Search results

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    2 Domain Giveaway

    I like the domains, plz :)
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    Server error

    Well, I asked for a help from the community. There are number of peoples who helped me in the past, not for money but giving back to the community which helped them while they were in the recovery stage. I expected that some one will help me, and i am still hoping so.
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    Server error

    I am getting server error. php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off php_value default_charset UTF-8 Options +FollowSymLinks DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?_copy_query=$1...
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    SEO partner required

    Well, i will be doing SEO as well, and helping things out. 50/50 is fair. Well, those who have doubt can use their ad sense account. But i am not such a girl.
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    SEO partner required

    Hey folks, I am looking for a 50-50 partnership. So i need a good SEO for this, a dedicated and committed one. I will buy domain+hosting and i have an ad-sense account, and old amazon account. What i need from you is rank the site very well, you need to get articles which can pass the unique...
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    Need help regarding VPS

    Not software, bought from a site.
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    Need help regarding VPS

    I have 20 vps now, but i want to know is there any way to run apps or commands in one go or one click. All vps are running linux. Thanks in advance.
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    iOS7 Jailbreak is OUT!!!!!

    Thanks for this update :)
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    Elf Buddy's RDP giveaway - Courtesy of PerfectRDP

    I am going to enjoy Christmas with the Santa Claus, give sweets to the children's, give gifts to my parents and my friends especially my GF <3 ;), thats all Elf Buddy :D
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    How to get good rank to certain keywords on Google?

    Wow, a perfect introduction for a new person. This would work before the panda updates and algo, but now it will but its difficult. Thing is that, it starts from the keyword you select and content you post. 20 good backlink is just enough, and its better than 2000 spam links. Just build good...
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    Santa's Steam Giveaway! 5 steam games!

    In a team, there should be no individual with same level of skills as it will lead to conflicts. So, a team is simply a pool of different skills. In a team there will be individuals, with multi-skill and each individual must have a role, power authority within the limits. A team will definitely...
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    Elf Buddy's first ever giveaway!

    A good site should be first of simple and faster for the user. Moreover, site should have perfect on-the-seo and off-the-seo settings. Website should be spider-friendly, and should be unique as heaven. A membership is optional, but a good site will be always ad-free. A good graphics will catch...
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    Domains Giveaway

    YOULOLED.COM , would like to take this if you like to give to me :)
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    Free Domain Name.

    I would like to use this domain for my village bay resort, as it doesn't have any domain yet. Nice if you can give me :)
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    Voting: WJunction Sig of the Week Contest #5 - Arctic

    5 looks amazing, my vote goes for that.
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    Site is looking big, apart from that site is in good condition as well loads fast. :) 7.5/10 My rating
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    Real Traffic Exchange Network (Free Access)

    Yeah, it will kill the competition :)
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    I made a new meme guys

    Wow, it looks wonderful :)
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    Hello WJ :D

    I am from United Arab Emirates :) Oh, thanks you brother :)