Search results

  1. R

    Other - 150GB HDD, Xeon x3450, 16GB RAM, 1GigE in $8 (EU)

    No only via PayPal and Indian Bank Transfer & for demo add us on GTalk or yahoo
  2. R

    Other - 150GB HDD, Xeon x3450, 16GB RAM, 1GigE in $8 (EU)

    New Plans are updated *Limited Time
  3. R

    Other - 150GB HDD, Xeon x3450, 16GB RAM, 1GigE in $8 (EU)

    Yes bro Ping me on yahoo :
  4. R

    Other - 150GB HDD, Xeon x3450, 16GB RAM, 1GigE in $8 (EU)

    1 : Coupon code added 2 : Review wanted ( Anyone here who give review about my RDP ? )
  5. R

    Other - 150GB HDD, Xeon x3450, 16GB RAM, 1GigE in $8 (EU)

    Removed, user is not planning to renew his servers after the end of April.
  6. R

    Need Some guy to manage RDP

    Sorry mate we are not started yet so we will contact you soon .......................
  7. R

    Need Some guy to manage RDP

    experienced guys only
  8. R

    What do you think Youtube new look?

    It's look awsome!
  9. R

    The Rock vs. John Cena

    John Cena.......