- Porn Hosting - Streaming adult videos up to 1080p


Jennifer´s Husband
Premium Member
Dear Wjunction Users,

I would like to introduce our adult video tube service. is an adult video portal site, like youtube, but our focus is soley adult content, but it has some special features that other host do not have. We will explain below:

We accept any video file formats, our special video encoding algorithm gives you stunning quality while making the videos smaller and faster to download.
Our video technology makes sure that the videos are encoded very fast on a very good quality while maintaining a very small file size, letting users stream videos really fast.

We have a comfortable user Interface for your videos, Organize your videos and put them in folders. Make videos public so they appear in the bitporno search results, export mass links.

Statistics - see total views, views per country and hourly statistics in our stunning statistics panel.

Amazing user settings:
Player Settings: Use your own logo in the player, remove titles and descriptions, activate anti-adblock, and add a backlink for your logo

We have our own-made scripts and configurations, so the videos encodings will start immediately, without seeing “Buffering 0%” Our stream is excellent, including asian countries.
You can upload in multiple Threads through the Browser Upload after the video is upload a link/embed code will be generated.

Breakdown of Features:
Up to 1080p HD Quality.
Support for mobile Phones
Support for HTML5 as Primary
Useful Video Manager with Folders Management, Export functions and categorizing Videos.
Multi-Threads Upload
z-o-o-m uploader tool support
Good streaming speed.
Unlimited space / Almost no delete from inactivity, only when there is limited space, we will delete the files that haven’t been viewed in awhile, first, except for public videos in the Gallery.

Rules & Conditions is simple:
Only adult content is allowed, no normal vids are allowed.
No child pornography!
No revenge porn!
No zoophila videos!
No teen videos!
Any violations of these rules may have your account permanently deleted

If do you have suggestions or tips, we are happy to hear it and try to improve ourselves any further.

Special Deals:
If you have enough decent traffic, you can get 360p to 1080p quality modes and only 1 popup per view. Contact me.

Feel free to test us. We wish you best luck, if you choose us as your hoster.
Link to register:
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You dont change the rules you make +1 rule somethink like premium user = for verify sites owners. I dont know if is easy you make it i am not developer, but i think many users with own sites love it
I think the new rules are quite okay for most uploaders and prevent abuse a lot. Good job!
Could you please explain how the new score rating is calculated exactly? How often is this score updated?
And please show the date of last video access in file manager and the deleted files for inactivity and / or abuse. That would be great so one can keep track of one's files.
Other hosters send warníngs when videos are about to deleted. Do you plan something similar?
It is updated every 15 minutes. Its measured the total of views from all videos divied trough total of number files


25000 views / 100 files = score 250

Another Example

10000 views / 15000 files = score 1


About your questions... i will add it soon as possible. And also new status if the videos was reported.

If the encodings is still not getting better, then maybe its time to say good bye to Rewards Program and instead get more encoding servers for better infrastructure. Hosts such as Uptostream have user and time limits, we dont do that.
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It is updated every 15 minutes. Its measured the total of views from all videos divied trough total of number files


25000 views / 100 files = score 250

Another Example

10000 views / 15000 files = score 1


About your questions... i will add it soon as possible. And also new status if the videos was reported.

Ok, thanks for the info so far.

WIll there be a kind of grace period if one slides into the next lower status?

Let's say I'm Emperor right now (unlimited uploads and 180 days of inactivity). Because of a downtime of my site or problems on your site (like the expired ssl cert lately) I get less views for one day or do upload lots of new stuff but don't make it to publish the vids right away but only a few days later. Then let's assume that I get downgraded to "Samurai" with half of the inativity time. Does this happen isntantly and all the vids get deleted without prior notice? Or is it necessary to "perform worse" for a certain, longer period of time?
Not really clear to me yet. And I hope you don't just let your cleaning scripts run before the users are informed and have the possibility to react in advance?
Downgrade will not happen fast, if you have many files stored, because the ranking only affects on life time views that already was made, not for a certain time frame such as last 2 weeks.

If files are about to delete, you get notices soon, i am working on that feature.
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Rapid video - Don't worry i don't listen to this hater jake wilder and i think stefan has done his best to value the suggestions of his uploaders but he can't follow every suggestion. So, be practical. I know i will get paid for sure - i just wanted to get the estimate of when. So, i am sure i will receive my payment today ( but my payment status is still requested only from 6 days)

New rules are very good. But i am not understanding it - my rating last night was 79 and now its 49 when i opened it to upload videos. How can someone fall straight 30 points in the span of 12 hrs without uploading anything - if you count overall views.
Also acc. to your rule given above - i have Views- 12,341
Videos- 128 So, my rank 12,341/128 = 96.41 or 96 but it has fallen to 49.

And i think storage time should be increased a little at every level like adding 30 days to every level and 100 and above guys should get unlimited storage with notification about inactive videos. But it's your call.

About warning system - i think that we should be warned about video inactivity 10 days before the deleting day. So that we can work to make it visible to our audience on priority.

And is the problem of thumbnails resolved now?

Regarding rewards/partner program- I think that doing away with the rewards will be a retrograde step as i do agree with jake wilder on one thing that most of the bitporno users are here because of that only. But since u are the owner of bitporno, so u have every right to make changes according to you and i respect that.

Hope to hear from you soon
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thank for the payment, but when do make the payment for the amount declined?
[TABLE="class: payments_table, width: 100%"]
[TD]Payout of 47.1 $[/TD]
[TD]on 04.03.2017 07:37[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #2EFE2E"]Paid[/TD]
[TD]Payout of 33.46 $[/TD]
[TD]on 30.01.2017 19:22[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Declined[/TD]
you can make the payment at the adress

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