- Porn Hosting - Streaming adult videos up to 1080p


Jennifer´s Husband
Premium Member
Dear Wjunction Users,

I would like to introduce our adult video tube service. is an adult video portal site, like youtube, but our focus is soley adult content, but it has some special features that other host do not have. We will explain below:

We accept any video file formats, our special video encoding algorithm gives you stunning quality while making the videos smaller and faster to download.
Our video technology makes sure that the videos are encoded very fast on a very good quality while maintaining a very small file size, letting users stream videos really fast.

We have a comfortable user Interface for your videos, Organize your videos and put them in folders. Make videos public so they appear in the bitporno search results, export mass links.

Statistics - see total views, views per country and hourly statistics in our stunning statistics panel.

Amazing user settings:
Player Settings: Use your own logo in the player, remove titles and descriptions, activate anti-adblock, and add a backlink for your logo

We have our own-made scripts and configurations, so the videos encodings will start immediately, without seeing “Buffering 0%” Our stream is excellent, including asian countries.
You can upload in multiple Threads through the Browser Upload after the video is upload a link/embed code will be generated.

Breakdown of Features:
Up to 1080p HD Quality.
Support for mobile Phones
Support for HTML5 as Primary
Useful Video Manager with Folders Management, Export functions and categorizing Videos.
Multi-Threads Upload
z-o-o-m uploader tool support
Good streaming speed.
Unlimited space / Almost no delete from inactivity, only when there is limited space, we will delete the files that haven’t been viewed in awhile, first, except for public videos in the Gallery.

Rules & Conditions is simple:
Only adult content is allowed, no normal vids are allowed.
No child pornography!
No revenge porn!
No zoophila videos!
No teen videos!
Any violations of these rules may have your account permanently deleted

If do you have suggestions or tips, we are happy to hear it and try to improve ourselves any further.

Special Deals:
If you have enough decent traffic, you can get 360p to 1080p quality modes and only 1 popup per view. Contact me.

Feel free to test us. We wish you best luck, if you choose us as your hoster.
Link to register:
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I think best is to keep a limit on videos like 500/24hr it will eliminate the bot uploading and unnecessary mass uploading. I upload only those videos that i myself find hot and is worth the watch- otherwise what is the use of uploading too many videos which no one will watch.
But please don't introduce days limit like openload - it is one of the best things about bitporno.
And ban junk uploaders as well as mass uploaders which are just exploiting the service. Recruit some people from here which are willing - and they can flog the videos to you which are junk and you can delete them after your own review( to avoid false flagging by some selfish people). I am ready to help you in my free time.
This is the first payment that i have requested. i have requested it in bitcoins. Status is just requested from 4 days. Sorry i am actually very excited to receive my first payment. So, can you please tell when can i expect my payment. And can someone tell me how to upload screen shot here.

Hope to hear from you soon
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Updates this week:

- New upload systems, new and improved upload script
- Improved encoding script, about 20% faster
- More encoding servers now, almost the double.
- Real-time counting stats now.
- Firewall protection against hotlinkers.

The upload limit of 200vids per day will lifted soon.
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Updates this week:

- New upload systems, new and improved upload script
- Improved encoding script, about 20% faster
- More encoding servers now, almost the double.
- Real-time counting stats now.
- Firewall protection against hotlinkers.

The upload limit of 200vids per day will lifted soon.

+Don't Work Conversion.No Start.+ No Screenplash + Thumbnails.
+No work other functions.
+No work remote upload in Openload,FlashXTV,VidloxTV....etc sites!
+Blocked Spam Countrys : China....others No ADS No Money only leech and servers overdrive.

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So, david wyler how do you feel now after defending him - when you have to beg and that too for your own money which you earned by bringing views through your video to this pathetic guy's site. And how do you feel now when you are completely ignored by this stefan when you ask for your payment status which otherwise will respond to every message on his forum within few moments. Even if he did respond - it won't be a pleasant reply - it will be a rude reply only. He also don't give any damn to your or any other uploaders suggestions. He is not running some kind of social service here which you blind followers think - he used a simple decision to prevent his profits going down - he cut the uploaders payment by half to retain his profit. Why you people don't understand he never cared for his uploaders, so stop caring for him also and BOYCOTT bitporno for good and shift to openload or other video hosting where you won't have to beg for your own money and also you will get it in a timely manner and it will be more profitable.
And if you think that without speaking in his favour you won't get your payment, then you might be probably right.So, keep doing that to get your hard earned money.
So, david wyler make rational decisions and have some self respect and Stand with me in boycotting this loosing site and shift your videos , you will see the difference yourself.

Bottomline: Either you will never receive your payment or even if you receive it - it will NEVER be before 8 to 9 days. So, control your excitement as it might turn into disappointment soon and you will thank me for my suggestions.
We are only 3 days behind and payments are on time. What are you talking about? We cant be like openload with daily payments. Most hosts here pays every 2 week, once per month or even once every 2 months. We pay almost every up to 1 week. If you cant accept the reality, stop posting here. We cant do things to your flavour without hurting our cashflow/business.


not a big issue, you get your payment on monday, we are getting fresh funds on Bitcoins atm. Except Bitcoin, we are only 3 days behind and the payments are on time.


you complain always about the low rates, please choose another host. Why still using us? We cant increase rates.

Anyway, thanks for the notice. Upload servers have problems with very big 15G files... I am updating the script again.

Edit: Our Upload script is updated with better patch again... Uses different transfer method to our encoding servers, but it seems it works with 10 - 50 GB files at best. The remaining queue this morning will be cleared.
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Encoding have problem or have too many videos in waiting list? Videos stack in queue over one hour

I try to upload remote and after 10 sec i take this error :

Secure Connection Failed

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
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Dear Delman...

We reconfigured the upload system again and this configuration seems stable, but some servers is bad, so im trying to find them to fix it (we have over 200 servers, 1 server is bad, so its like finding a needle)

Encoding queue is also reset and its fast again due the new configuration just now.
0 - 20: Peasant just 10 files to upload per day :wacko:
It's very low please change it to 100
upload and encode systems still have problem for 2 days now
everyday you set new rules WTF ??
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So Good Rules.
Second Blocked Low Countrys.Only Overdrive your servers.
Third I no upload.Last year upload bitporno,write all bugs,+say say say.No new dynamic category,one tags,.....

Upload look fixed.Rank fixed.Now Blocked low rates countrys.Or build in script.
+New tags multitags! Dynamic random switcher...More Ideas? Call your TipM.

All Video upload blocked low rates countrys.First Very Low Country China...second....Open your eyes.Only west countrys allowed.
This is the new trend.

Goodwork.Goodluck.I No upload.
Hello rapid i think the last change you make is very bad for ppl like me my site is new my uploads is manual and never upload more from 40 videos per day all videos is from bitporno with only bitporno player .my rank now is 0 from 19 i cant upload videos today limited 10 and the most bad ever is 30 days delete
and in normal i have 17 rank 19/10 i cant upload 80% i use remote url my connection is small for big files 5mbits upload
For users with own sites now is very complicated to use bitporno :(
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limit increased to 25 files per day for the rank 0 - 20.

As I explained, many abuse the encoding system and storage, because he upload a lot of lot videos just to be on the search index and try to earn money from the search engines.... but we dont have a lot of money for storage and encodings... This is something that is fairly spread between the users who needs them and use the ressource wise. So no more ressources wasting. As i can see, the encoding system got very fast because of that limitation.

Yesterday, we saw one big site, that doesnt bring us traffic, but mass-uploads 24/7 with 20 multiple accounts to get around the limitations, even after banning him, he countined to upload and always overload the encoding systems. We cant increase the encoding servers number for no reason, if anyone can't bring us traffic, because we need traffic to work the system better.

Thats why the limits need to be placed, so the good uploaders will not get hurt, for those who need fast encoding and earning money at the same time.
I understand you but me i dont try make money from bitporno i try i make money from my own ads in my site the 30 days delete kill me, need i check every day what video deleted and reupload it. Is very complicated for me with this rules but realy i understand you I know the prices for bandwidth and servers
Error in remote upload after click upload make error from ssl but the video uploaded two times the some video 2 times
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I understand you but me i dont try make money from bitporno i try i make money from my own ads in my site the 30 days delete kill me, need i check every day what video deleted and reupload it. Is very complicated for me with this rules but realy i understand you I know the prices for bandwidth and servers
Error in remote upload after click upload make error from ssl but the video uploaded two times the some video 2 times

The other way to this solution, is to close PPD/Rewards Program and for that, the money can go to encodings instead, the encoding servers number can increased 3 times, which results in fast encodings. The limits can removed again and then everyone is happy with the high quality 1080p host. How sounds it to you? I dont know how the users will think about that, turning the host into uptostream-like host.

Remote upload error -> I think one of ~ 170 server has problems, i will check one each.
I have the idea if is posible you can make different rules from sites owners explain : every site owner register in biotporno his site. bitporno use meta data from site to
Verify it and verify sites and users use different rules
lol i think for yestarday allways i upload in one of 170 servers lolol i am very unlucky

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I have the idea if is posible you can make different rules from sites owners explain : every site owner register in biotporno his site. bitporno use meta data from site to
Verify it and verify sites and users use different rules

There are users here, which shares his videos on social media networks such as reddit and else. I think there is no point from that.

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