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Dear Wjunction users,

We are glad to introduce you, secure and fully encrypted service. We would like to invite you to become an affiliate. Our service has been established for years as stable, reliable and punctual. We offer a host of sophisticated tools and solutions to make your work experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible!

Affiliate Plans:
- Pay Per Sale. Default rates are 65% from sales, 50% from rebills.
- Pay Per Download. Rate is dynamic with daily update and depends on your sales. Minimum is $5 per 1000 downloads, maximum has no limits. We count all countries and all downloads.
- Up to 15% additional commission for website owners.

Our Features:
- Individual approach to every affiliate, custom rates, special terms, just ask our support and get quick response.
- Free Premium Account. Unlimited Storage Space.
- Blazing Fast Upload Speed, great Download speed.
- Several upload methods - FTP, Webupload, Remote Upload with extra features.
- Referral Program. Earn 3% from all affiliates you reffer.
- We pay on time, every week - 100% guaranteed!

Rules & Conditions:
- You can switch your affiliate plan once every 14 days.
- File storage period is unlimited, 90 days after the last download.
- Your must honor our rules, terms of service.

- We pay weekly, on Mondays.
- Minimum payout is $100.
- We pay via Webmoney, Bitcoin. Wire Transfer and other payment methods from $1000.

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thinking that it was always 120s waiting time or that's how i remember

time is still ok bro
staying in same page is little bit pain for free users :(
anyway pps is best ,i think earning from ppd with filejoker is pretty hard if you dont have much sales

yeah, now i know what you mean.
true, this has changed just thinking that is in the interest of both. Filehost + Uploader.
I dont mind if they do it harder for the cheap ones downloading everything only for free.Quite the reverse! I like it :)
time is still ok bro
staying in same page is little bit pain for free users :(
anyway pps is best ,i think earning from ppd with filejoker is pretty hard if you dont have much sales

yeah, now i know what you mean.
true, this has changed just thinking that is in the interest of both. Filehost + Uploader.
I dont mind if they do it harder for the cheap ones downloading everything only for free.Quite the reverse! I like it :)

and now this one bro
i think ppd is a tricky promotion
its better to use pps in this host
ppd is a lie

No free download slots are available at this time.
Please try again later or
and download right now

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i just tried now as free user and it's working on the first try to download.
anyway i work only in PPS in all hosts so that's ok with me but sure if i would need the download count may it isnt that good.
i just tried now as free user and it's working on the first try to download.
anyway i work only in PPS in all hosts so that's ok with me but sure if i would need the download count may it isnt that good.

yes exactly what i was talking about
the problem is they put many destrictions to make download difficult for free users
ppd looks really tricky
as you mentioned pps is best
thanks for caring btw
hmm since when does this host auto rename your files when uploading ?

It used to just block files but now it removes the part of the filename that they block.

Who knows what they block anyway ?

This host is getting weird :(
Hello guys, I did some investing because I think something fishy is going around on this host. Because I am still in probation and I cannot post images/links I am gonna make your life harder a bit with the links becuase I switched . with (dot), but it will be well worth, just remove spaces and add dots to the links.

Randomly, when I registered on FJ I clicked on one of the payment methods just to check it out and closed it right after that, then after half an hour a mail was sent to me, and it said the following:


Dear Customer,

We have noticed that you were not able to pay for your FileJoker (dot) net Premium account via one of the Visa/MasterCard payment options, your payment may have been declined or it could have failed for various other reasons. Most common reasons are: use of proxies or VPN while making your purchase, entering incorrect payment information or any other information requested by payment system, inability of payment system representatives to reach you using the data you've provided.

Right now we have two Credit Card payment providers and you can try them both one more time making sure you do everything correctly.

If that fails however, we suggest you to try using other payment methods we have available.

We recommend BitCoin as payment option. A tutorial on how to obtain Bitcoins using PayPal, all major Credit Cards and other payment options, can be found here: filejoker (dot) net pages/bitcoin (dot) html
You should also know that if you pay via Bticoin you will get extra premium days free of charge!

You can also use Online Banking and SMS to pay for your account by clicking the Online Banking button.

As token of appreciation we would like to offer you FREE 30% extra days when you Buy or Upgrade your Premium account by following this link: filejoker (dot) net/premiumdiscount
This offer is not available elsewhere so take advantage of it right now!

If everything described above fails, you can use Resellers and purchase your account using our resellers who offer huge amount of great payment options both local and international. Please note that 30% free days offer does not apply to purchases via Resellers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions or need any help.

FileJoker (dot) net Support Team


So going on filejoker (dot) net/premiumdiscount is cool, it gives 30% more days, but I noticed that it removes the cookies from the affiliate that was sharing the file that you beforehand clicked and potentially future-blocking it if you really want to download it without 30% additional days directly off the user.

In a classic scenario this happens, a customer goes to filejoker to download your file and he sees that there is less wait times and a tad faster speed if he just free registers, he registers of course and most of the time when he chooses not to use lets say a program like JDownloader, he will be forced to wait for 90 seconds while loading (because FJ doesn't load the times otherwise), in that time because you look at basically nothing interesting, out of boredom he is going to want to see what are the payments, he clicks on one, just sees it, and closes it. He then receives a mail about the discount. So some day this customer of yours chooses to buy a premium and instead buying it off your affiliate link he will go and open this filejoker (dot) net/premiumdiscount link that filejoker has sent to him a while ago. Or sometimes maybe the payment will really fail, or some users will just get disconnected, so after that they will receive a mail and will just use that instead of your link because of the great deal. This basically cuts your sales by a lot.

This same mail is always re-send to me when I "fail" to purchase.

So I would've asked you guys if maybe the purchase still works, and it shares the profit with the affiliate sharing the file, but that would not make any sense because it literally removes and replaces the cookies on the website with new that are named PROMO instead of your affiliate file ones, I used an addon called View Cookies on Firefox and when you right click a page and go to View Page Info, you click on the the last tab (it has this pretty cookies icon, which is the addon) it shows the cookies on the website.

Test it yourself, you will need Firefox addon View Cookies (for chrome I haven't tested, so google it), some shared file, and the link filejoker (dot) net/premiumdiscount.

I used a file on forumphilia as an example for this post: filejoker (dot) net/4bdooyo9k3s9

I cleaned the cookies off the website (by using this addon, and going right click somewhere on the actual site > View Page Info > Cookies > Remove all cookies in this list and reopened the FJ file link in a new Firefox instance, so I got these stats:

imgur (dot) com/c11ibFB

And this is normal, everything is great, the cookies last 2 weeks, blah, blah.

So after that I went to the link off the mail (you don't need to go to the actual mail and check it, just type filejoker (dot) net/premiumdiscount. The link with additional more days pops for you, I went to check the cookies by the same method of right clicking on the website > View page info> Cookies. And boom, these are the stats:

imgur (dot) com/QTKIKKk

This is pretty bad.

So at this point the job is done, you lost a sale I guess, but to be sure I checked what if you just went to the same or another link and see if that will change. And it does, but it still has some value 0 at the aff place:

imgur (dot) com/uDFMLvK

which I do not know if it really blocks the affiliate from getting a share on the sale, but regardless, why would anyone buy it off your link if he has 30% additional days on this pretty premium discount link that FJ gave it to him.

So guys, if someone can do a real actual test, or just see if they ever received this mail in the past (you will receive it if only you click on a payment method and close the page (I think that they are not sending a mail if you open and close the bitcoin method, but I am not sure) just like that, and I am not sure if this is disabled for affiliate accounts, but it makes total sense to actually be, so try with a new account, because I haven't tested with an actual affiliate account myself).

Lastly, I think that the registering bonuses are added because of this reason, as a marketing trick to lure customers into buying off their links only by sending email after they register for the useless speed boosts. Sorry for the links, there was no other way of posting.
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