doneOkay. Can you give me a premium acc?
My username is Aalesund
doneOkay. Can you give me a premium acc?
My username is Aalesund
donecan you upgrade my account ?
user : banyakfilm
fixedI can not upload files more than 30MB, every time got server error, see the video - fail upload.mp4 - Nosvideo - The Fast, Free and Easy way to Share your Videos
This is what happens:
- when the file is uplaoded about 20-30MB the uploading process restarted, when again reach 20-30MB upload stops and gives an error.
Please fix it.
Are you sure that you've given me a Premium Account?
I see this in my accoun:
Thank you for payment and for premium upgrade!
Why the uploads are paused for 1-2 min. on every 64MB?!?
What the.... Do you have any idea how slow is the upload on the files over 1GB? Now imagine 4-5-6 files over 1-1,5GB! I don't have a time to wait.
Also why the remote upload is so strange? I mean that I must keep my browser open, if I close it the remote upload stops. Why? What is the logic of remote upload if you need your browser to be used? In all similar host I just put the direct link in remote uplaod form then I close my browser.
// Payments method
- PayPal
- Payoneer
I got this from the first page. Any change of payment methods? Is Payza OR Bitcoin available ?![]()
// Payments method
- PayPal
- Payoneer
I got this from the first page. Any change of payment methods? Is Payza OR Bitcoin available ?![]()
Once you get the $10 minimum, it gives you the option to request a withdrawal and there are only the two options -- Paypal or Payoneer.