letwatch.us | Earn Upto 60$ /10k + $100 bonus | Daily withdraw and 20% referal income
here information about letwatch.us Highest paying rates.
New updates:
Uploading option:
* Regular upload
* Remote url upload
* Copy movie
* Torrent upload (on reqeust)
* Ftp upload (on request)
* Url grabber ( direct upload video using website url e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNGVaN8FPYw)
* Search movies and copy in your account. Don't need to upload every movie. Just copy movie and post link.
* zoom upload Method.
* No file size limit
* Every video view is countable. if watched 20% of video length
*Now you can add your logo in your videos
Quality Features:
* Video stored for life Unlimited free storage
* Hd Quality encoding
* Mp4 and Flv videos working instantly. No need to wait for encoding.
* Flash encoding.. ( start video immediately)
* Video download option
Payment feature:
Profit rates for each 10,000 views of your video
[TABLE="class: cms_table_tbl1, width: 640"]
[TH="bgcolor: #D9D9D9, align: left"]Tier / Length[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #D9D9D9, align: left"]Rates[/TH]
[TD="class: cms_table_tier1"]United States, Canada, United Kingdom[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_tier2, bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]Germany, France, Spain, Australia[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]$32[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_tier3"]Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_tier4, bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]Other countries[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]$10
Any kind of porn material is not allowed
You can contact us to make a special deal that suitable your site activities.
The agreement will depends on some criteria, Number of visitors, Visitors countries, site type.
We accept all special ideas, Don't hesitate to introduce what you think.
We try to give a best service. We hope you will enjoy.
Available for you on skype and waiting for your response.
Skype id: letwatch
or write us at: letwatch123@gmail.com
Feel free to contact us.
Waiting for your suggestions and feedbacks.
Public Announcement:
I want to sell my website. Anyone interested write me in Private message
We are adding new payment method. You can withdraw now in Payza, Bitcoin, Skrill and webmoney. Soon more options will be here.
Get 20% extra on first 3 withdraws. knock us on skype for this.
I am from letwatch.usI want to sell my website. Anyone interested write me in Private message
[*=left]All payment in bitcoins have been blocked . Bitcoin have no trace. So contact us first on skype that you are going to withdraw in bitcoin.
[*=left]Any account which detected wrong activity will be blocked. Untill you not contact on skype. Skype id: letwatch
[*=left]Everyone request to check his details and changed password please
[*=left]Please enable security lock and second password.
[*=left]All users whois account blocked come on skype and give us a list of hosts.where he use same details. And help us to catch that scammer.
We are adding new payment method. You can withdraw now in Payza, Bitcoin, Skrill and webmoney. Soon more options will be here.
Get 20% extra on first 3 withdraws. knock us on skype for this.
here information about letwatch.us Highest paying rates.
New updates:
- Payza added..
- Bitcoin added in withdraw method
- You can withdraw fund in Skrill and Webmoney.
- Soon more options will be there for withdraw.
Uploading option:
* Regular upload
* Remote url upload
* Copy movie
* Torrent upload (on reqeust)
* Ftp upload (on request)
* Url grabber ( direct upload video using website url e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNGVaN8FPYw)
* Search movies and copy in your account. Don't need to upload every movie. Just copy movie and post link.
* zoom upload Method.
* No file size limit
* Every video view is countable. if watched 20% of video length
*Now you can add your logo in your videos
- 20% referral income for life
Quality Features:
* Video stored for life Unlimited free storage
* Hd Quality encoding
* Mp4 and Flv videos working instantly. No need to wait for encoding.
* Flash encoding.. ( start video immediately)
* Video download option
Payment feature:
Profit rates for each 10,000 views of your video
[TABLE="class: cms_table_tbl1, width: 640"]
[TH="bgcolor: #D9D9D9, align: left"]Tier / Length[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #D9D9D9, align: left"]Rates[/TH]
[TD="class: cms_table_tier1"]United States, Canada, United Kingdom[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_tier2, bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]Germany, France, Spain, Australia[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]$32[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_tier3"]Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_tier4, bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]Other countries[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F3F3F3"]$10
- Minimum Payout Limit: 2$
- Paid time: Maximum 24 Hours
- Payment Method: paypal , Payza, Bitcoins, skrill, webmoney and wire tranfer (on request for more than 300$)
Any kind of porn material is not allowed
You can contact us to make a special deal that suitable your site activities.
The agreement will depends on some criteria, Number of visitors, Visitors countries, site type.
We accept all special ideas, Don't hesitate to introduce what you think.
We try to give a best service. We hope you will enjoy.
Available for you on skype and waiting for your response.
Skype id: letwatch
or write us at: letwatch123@gmail.com
Feel free to contact us.
Waiting for your suggestions and feedbacks.
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