Yonzy - File Hosting + Media Streaming - No Wait Times - PPD Rewards

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too bad , please remove that copy file feature on file download page , else i really cannot use your service
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Sorry. Not an option. If you're worried about private files being shared, Yonzy isn't made for them. Only share things that can be shared with the web.
i dun think you get what i mean , if that copy file thing remain , anyone can copy my file to his account without any uploading and then repost the copy file from his account and get credit , and the main thing is that i will only get less downloader if my file is not unique anymore
anyone can copy my file to his account without any uploading and then repost the copy file from his account

Which is the reason we added this feature.

We understand some users may not be interested in Yonzy because of this or other things like not selling premiums. We are not a file hosting choice for everyone and that's perfectly fine. We can't please everyone so we will try to please the majority of our users.
ok thanks for clarifying , maybe i'm not the majority of your user , and i really think that not much user will like his file to be easily copy from one to another unless it just a image file
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ok thanks for clarifying , maybe i'm not the majority of your user , and i really think that not much user will like his file to be easily copy from one to another unless it just a image file

Talked with Jesse and made a "possibly develop" list and put the copy file as being an option on there. So far you're the only one to not want it, so we'll see.
if the copy feature can be an option for user , i will consider using your site despite low reward and i'm not the only who complain about this feature , someone already ask you to remove it but you say no !
if the copy feature can be an option for user , i will consider using your site despite low reward and i'm not the only who complain about this feature , someone already ask you to remove it but you say no !
One or two out of 700 registered = not a wanted feature. It's on the bottom of the list of things to do, but will probably happen at some point.
if you ask one by one of 700 registered , they will say to dissable "copy files" feature , they just don't know how to complain.
Honestly I find it stupid to whine about others leeching your files on a particular hoster whilst all you do is leech someone else's files from other sites and upload as your own.

If you're afraid that people "copy" your own work, though, that's another matter entirely.
put option like (copying forbidden or allowed like at turbobit)
maybe people feel more comfartable

Yup. It's at least 2 months away would be my guess. Too much on the list ahead of it.

Honestly I find it stupid to whine about others leeching your files on a particular hoster whilst all you do is leech someone else's files from other sites and upload as your own.

If you're afraid that people "copy" your own work, though, that's another matter entirely.

True. It's really not going to stop people though with all the leech options. If all else fails, they will just download it and re-upload

if you ask one by one of 700 registered , they will say to dissable "copy files" feature , they just don't know how to complain.

LOL no. Trust me - people know how to complain. Especially over the Internet. 99% of what people will complain over on the Internet would never be said in person.

Added after 2 Days 1:

Alright. So after taking in a ton of feedback the past couple months + comparing to the trends going on around the Internet and with our other brands, we have decided to push streaming support along with some other features for Yonzy. Hopefully have all the following going within a month.

We will still continue to support normal everyday files, but we will be pushing streaming as a main feature. We're investing a lot of time and money into this. Setting up some powerful servers.

In addition to the above, we will roll out FTP upload and hopefully have file leech completed at that point too.

We're going to offer upgraded accounts as an option for no ads, lift space restrictions and possibly fit leech support into upgraded accounts.

We're just waiting on the next version of the script to be released so we can do a few mods and make sure our addons fully work with the new code.

That's all the info I have at the moment. I'll get some info as the days go on from Jesse.
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Alright. So after taking in a ton of feedback the past couple months + comparing to the trends going on around the Internet and with our other brands, we have decided to push streaming support along with some other features for Yonzy. Hopefully have all the following going within a month.

We will still continue to support normal everyday files, but we will be pushing streaming as a main feature. We're investing a lot of time and money into this. Setting up some powerful servers.

In addition to the above, we will roll out FTP upload and hopefully have file leech completed at that point too.

We're going to offer upgraded accounts as an option for no ads, lift space restrictions and possibly fit leech support into upgraded accounts.

We're just waiting on the next version of the script to be released so we can do a few mods and make sure our addons fully work with the new code.

That's all the info I have at the moment. I'll get some info as the days go on from Jesse.

Sorry. Took me what seemed like forever to get here. Basically you've summed it up.

Just waiting on the final release of the script to get all our work converted to work with the updated script.

Like Nick said, we're pushing for streaming. That seems to be the way the trend is going now: streaming support. So we're going to move Yonzy in with it as well as our other brands. We will have subtitle support (this has been asked since Nick made his post). We will still continue to host your normal everyday files as well. Streaming is just in addition to.

I didn't want that we're offering account upgrades to be mentioned because I'm not sure that Yonzy will offer premium accounts yet.

Rewards program: I've also been asked if it's changing. The quick answer is, I don't know. Probably best to just run it for a while and make changes on the fly.
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Downloads haven't been counting since you removed the captcha.Any clue when that's going to be fixed?

What I don't understand is why in the world you chose 1 of the 2 busiest download days of the week to change everything.A Monday or a Tuesday would have made a hell of a lot more sense.
Downloads haven't been counting since you removed the captcha.Any clue when that's going to be fixed?

What I don't understand is why in the world you chose 1 of the 2 busiest download days of the week to change everything.A Monday or a Tuesday would have made a hell of a lot more sense.
Working on it. Should be going soon. There will be some kinda promo to make up for it.

The schedule couldn't be avoided. We're pretty tied up with multiple things and Yonzy is the smallest with the most work to get done. It sucks, but we will make it up to everyone.
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