UndergroundPrivate.com-cPanel,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

Please help me with my problem. I sent you a ticket already but no reply yet. Just wanna say support is great with undergroundprivate. Very fast and professional.

Please recheck your topic, your ticket has been replied long time ago. Please note to everyone this is not a support topic, so please not write here about support issues, we see everything. Thank you for your kind words, we do the best to provide the best support and quality services to everyone.

can i pay with webmoney ? (groundwaters.me basic plan)

Yes you can, just order the plan and post a support ticket we will activate it immediately.

Added after 1:

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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By far the best support ever. I would recommend this host to others especially those who are just starting out making a blog because the support here will certainly help you. Hope this quality of service will continue on.
Dear clients & ex-customers ,

Today something really sad & weird heppened, they have banned (not permantly) our domain name of groundwaters.me ( Russian Offshore Hosting ).
They not have sent us any information regarding this & nothing, they just bring down this domain name, this is a ban of the freedom of speech ? We really do not know and we investigate this issue, last days many issues happening.

They see that we are 1st hosting provider on the market, they see we protect our clients! They see we are making a good work, they see we support freedom of speech and try with bad methods to bring us down, thank you the hundred and hundred of customers, clients & fans who support us around the Internet and everyday you sent us messages. We will do our best and avoid all the attacks happening.

We will soon have updates regarding this.

Thank you ,
groundwaters.me is sure to return
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From Terms of Use ( Terms of Use - UndergroundPrivate web hosting company ):

"All services provided by UndergroundPrivate ("UndergroundPrivate") may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage or presentation of any information, data or material in violation, state or city law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material,"

So do you allow warez or will you shut down at first DMCA?
From Terms of Use ( Terms of Use - UndergroundPrivate web hosting company ):

"All services provided by UndergroundPrivate ("UndergroundPrivate") may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage or presentation of any information, data or material in violation, state or city law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material,"

So do you allow warez or will you shut down at first DMCA?

Hello ,

Thank you for contacting us , the sentence you wrote has nothing to do with the DMCA. We wrote on our previous posts that we ignore the DMCA.

Yes we do allow warez , we never shut down any of our clients a website. They are plenty of them here in this topic , if we ever shut down a website due to that complaint any of clients can reply here back and write it.

You can contact us on Skype under id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or via contact us page.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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wich php und mysqlversion use you for shared romania hosting and how good is the DDos Protection?
how many mysqldatabase become i for shared hosting?
when i click of your links "Personal - 2.80$ / month - Order: Click Here To Order" i become a error.

best regards.
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wich php und mysqlversion use you for shared romania hosting and how good is the DDos Protection?
how many mysqldatabase become i for shared hosting?
when i click of your links "Personal - 2.80$ / month - Order: Click Here To Order" i become a error.

best regards.

Hello ,

Thank you for contacting us , unfortunately for security reason the Romania location is not more available. We have now France , Russia & Netherlands locations.

The Personal plan you mentioned on your previous messages has DDos Protection and it is located in France , the DDos Protection protects you on all type of attacks & time. The mysql databases on this plan are 2 , however we can raise them for you if needed by contacting us. We are not a overselling & overload company like the most are & we have taken all measures against this.

The php version is the 5.4.28 , if it is there any other question feel free to contact us on Skype under id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or via contact us page.

The links are also updated on the front page now you can order a plan you want , thank you for informing us!

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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