which is better-iphone or android phone?

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I never went for iphone.Back in the years I always had reason-no camera flash on iphone 3,micro SIM ,built in battery.Well the things are bit different today.All serious brands have built in battery and micro SIM.Well finally I have fed up from android.My phones caught viruses,had a lot of glitches forcing me to resort to factory reset.Is it good idea to switch to iphone?To be honest I like 4s the most.Talking for shape,feeling in the hand,material,touch screen.
Your basically asking which is better, Linux (android) or Mac (iphone)?

Personally, I'm someone who hates all things "i" except for me. Also I honestly believe that the world is better off with Steve Jobs dead.

I'm definitely not a fan of anything made by crApple. The ONLY exception ever was with my iPad first generation. I tried to get an android based tablet but at the time they were all crappy tablets and were all inferior compared to the iPad. However that didn't last long and this past Christmas I was happy to get a Nexus 10 which has worked SOOOO much better.

I'm a big tablet person too; I strap them to my leg as a kneeboard when I fly airplanes (cessna single engine 172); I mount it on a 38' sailboat that I race in the summer for real time GPS, tidal schedules, wind direction, & stopwatch; from my home office I use it to monitor Google Analytics Real Time; and I also mount it to my car's dashboard as a GPS/media player.

I never caught a virus on either my crApple iPad gen 1 or any of my android phones/tablet, then again I don't leave the WiFi on when I leave my house so this probably has a lot to do with that.

If you wanna go with any crApple device your basically paying 150% more in hardware for an environment that drives itself on over simplification resulting in lower compatibility usages and integration.
iPhone for life!!

so your a andriod user, try iPhone you will love it (mostly coz of touch response)

Caution : After using iPhone, you will never love any other phone!
Been with android since smart phones came out, just don't like the idea of buying apps most of the times. Specially now that Samsung Galaxy 5 and HTC one M8 are out, I always skip ads for IPhone 5s. Getting my new Galaxy s5 this coming tuesday, I'm excited :)
Preferences are key.

It all depends on your preferences really... when I first started coding I had an android phone, so I actively used it for making applications and testing. I loved the freedom an android phone provided. You did what you wanted, when you wanted. However, much like a PC, it became bloated and hard to navigate quickly. These are the perils of freedom.

If you want simple & user friendly go with apple. I am not personally a fan of the company whatsoever, but I have an iphone now and I love it. It does what it needs to do. I do not code applications anymore and I could care less to play games on my phone. I use it to call, text, and read email. I guess you could say I have grown up a little bit.

So, it all comes down to what you want: freedom or usability.
I hava the iPhone5 and I just love it! It looks great and is very easy to use.
At the beginning I had some problems with the compatibility with my PC (windows), but I figured it out now.
I'm using Nokia N70 from 2008 :P and i have other sell phone Nokia N8 because of good still pic result.

Keep away from Android and Mac all were wastage of your time. for me end of the day its just a phone where to attend a call and all it matters.
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