uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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GoodBye Uploaded.
Earned more than 1000 $ from you!!!
Thank you for all.
It is sad to see that you are destroying the No 1 Filehost by your own!!!
Hats off to Mr. Willy (Wupload Admin)
Go to Hell Extabit Admin
Goodbye Uploaded!!!
its unlimted
Today BIG shaving day, 3 advertised uploaded accounts and 0 valid Premium orders. Stop shaving uploaded.net !!!
heheh ! 3 advertised , and they shave ! i have 9 advertised and no sale ! hehehe so noob !
Today BIG shaving day, 3 advertised uploaded accounts and 0 valid Premium orders. Stop shaving uploaded.net !!!
I have 4100+ Advertised UL Accounts but got only 550+ Valid Premium Orders. Now, what will to say to this case? :cough:
GoodBye Uploaded.
Earned more than 1000 $ from you!!!
Thank you for all.
It is sad to see that you are destroying the No 1 Filehost by your own!!!
Hats off to Mr. Willy (Wupload Admin)
Go to Hell Extabit Admin
Goodbye Uploaded!!!

Rapidshare also was No 1 by far as it had more than the triple of users of its closest competitor (Megaupload) and they destroyed themselves. Also Rapidshare ==> German, Uploaded ==> German, Megaupload ===> German all destroyed themselves by acting stupid (Megaupload sent a complaint email to Paypal about his competitors FileSonic, FileServe and all, this exploded in everybody's face and caused the whole situation we are in now)
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I'm in Tunisia and we have IBAN and SWIFT, I also received bank payments from uploaded several times.

When was your last payment?

I Used to withdraw via bank (Non European country), but than UL announced they will be only paying to SEPA countries... So they are not supposed to pay to Tunisia anymore (I switched to WME).
Are you still withdrawing via bank?
so... Uploaded paid or not paid?

Of course paid.

Got The Payment Few Mins Ago WMZ RQ 5th.

uploaded paid, thx

I received the WME payment too

I got paid too (requested on September 12)

Thanks for payment !!! RQ 2013-09-03 WME

Received payment thanx :) Req 13/09

Request 2013-09-15 paid, thanks.

got paid from ul hope every one get paid

thanks for the payment

Thanks for the payment again :) payout via Webmoney requested on 2013-09-03


Paiement received , great host ! but mark paiement as paid please:)

Thanks for my first Payment.

I got paid
Rapidshare also was No 1 by far as it had more than the triple of users of its closest competitor (Megaupload) and they destroyed themselves. Also Rapidshare ==> German, Uploaded ==> German, Megaupload ===> German all destroyed themselves by acting stupid (Megaupload sent a complaint email to Paypal about his competitors FileSonic, FileServe and all, this exploded in everybody's face and caused the whole situation we are in now)

that statement is pretty much bullshit!
Do you know the difference between Switzerland and Germany?
Rapidshare and Uploaded are Swiss companies.
Megaupload was a company registered in Hong Kong operated by a half-Finnish/half-German crook based in New Zealand. Do you need an explanation where to find Hong Kong and New Zealand on the globe?
Do you really believe that Megaupload was taken down due to a letter to Paypal?
Rapidshare also was No 1 by far as it had more than the triple of users of its closest competitor (Megaupload) and they destroyed themselves. Also Rapidshare ==> German, Uploaded ==> German, Megaupload ===> German all destroyed themselves by acting stupid (Megaupload sent a complaint email to Paypal about his competitors FileSonic, FileServe and all, this exploded in everybody's face and caused the whole situation we are in now)

that statement is pretty much bullshit!
Do you know the difference between Switzerland and Germany?
Rapidshare and Uploaded are Swiss companies.
Megaupload was a company registered in Hong Kong operated by a half-Finnish/half-German crook based in New Zealand. Do you need an explanation where to find Hong Kong and New Zealand on the globe?
Do you really believe that Megaupload was taken down due to a letter to Paypal?

You re the one believing paper bullshit, they are based in Switzerland and Hong Kong for legal purposes only, they were founded by German and targeted to German audience (why do you think they say in their TOS that "These English TOS are a convenience translation only. The only relevant TOS are those in German." ). It is even clearer it's for legal stuff that a half-Finnish/half-German crook based in New Zealand operates a company based in Hong Kong that's hosted in Greece and has a domain name registered in USA, only to try to take advantage of any loophole in these countries legislation.
They are all founded by German people, trying to deny that is just stupid.
And to add to that Uploaded was a Hong Kong based company during 2011 and mid 2012, then they changed.
And yes, even KimDotCom's lawyers admitted that the letter to Paypal helped a lot in his arrest as it was considered as a confession, like a thief complaining to the police other thieves are stealing what he was projecting to steal.
status "payed" since 25th and no money in my bank acc.wtf?

Yes it is strange, usually it takes no more than 2-3 days, 5 if they paid on a Friday (adding the 2 days banks don't work).
Now many are reporting delays in money appearing on their bank accounts and webmoney !!
What's happening to Uploaded (and Cloudzer) ??
From now, I announce that Uploaded.net is officialy SCAM site.
I have "paid" since 7 days and money still not on bank account.

Don't upload on Uploaded.net anymore.
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