UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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2013-03-28 867 / $0.9555

2013-03-29 807 / $1.1893

2013-03-30 28 / $0.0304

I believe you are not a cheater but what happen to my earning? My file are over 201MB and some over 401MB. This is not the correct rate for group D.

If you want to change rate please tell the truth and make the announcement!!
2013-03-28 867 / $0.9555

2013-03-29 807 / $1.1893

2013-03-30 28 / $0.0304

I believe you are not a cheater but what happen to my earning? My file are over 201MB and some over 401MB. This is not the correct rate for group D.

If you want to change rate please tell the truth and make the announcement!!

We still have 1 server that's overloaded... it's name is eagle. What people have to understand is our servers are not all in the same room, or the same datacenter ... they are spread across 5 different countries! We depend on the techs in these other counties to take care of things. Like I said to the guy from Spain is "we'll look into it" however he seems to think I can just fix it in seconds.

admgamer, I will relocate your files from Eagle to another server to help you out. We are still waiting on the 2nd new server... the company we lease that server from is taking their time even if I asked for them to rush the setup.
No problem for me, ufox is among the best in the moment.
I do not think he's cheating.
Those who are not happy can go see if the others are better ...
So my Private Message to elhob was,

Spain was group C but was recently moved to group B. Each file server runs it's own count algorithm and relays this information to a master database. It's possible that some of the remote file servers have failed to update to the new rate for Spain. I have asked our engineering team to look into this.

Was this any reason to go on such a hateful rampage ? What on earth did we do to him? Calling us cheaters ... based on this?

We have had many server issues, and overloaded systems. We are a new company and are still building our system. Like I said in that PM it's possible there could be a bug in the software and I'll have the engineering team look into it. No need to act like a maniac over spilled milk ... life is too short my friend. And no need to send me nasty PM's that you're going to send me to Hell. I'm already friends with the Devil ... he's on this forum too }:-) and he's a good guy!
I upload ocassinally upload ufox as mirror host but I was earn more money before, but now it less but ok for me. thanks for giving me elite PPD. wait to reach minimum request payout
Error This server is in maintenance mode. Refresh this page in some minutes.

I give up
good luck
in cheating people
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look what Zapu answered me when i talked about remote upload speed ^^

Originally Posted by ZAPuLAT3R 477 KB/sec = 3.8Mbps and this is too slow for you?

So stop complain it's very fast and nothing change :p

just before 40000-70000 kb/s now between 45kb/sec - to 600 kb/sec if you're lucky.

And now i test by simple upload way, i reach Upload speed: 866 KB/Sec so very very fast ^^
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Speed is also very dependent on how close you are to the server that is serving you.........

We now run a nomadic server network in 5 different countries. Soon the network will run file mirrors, and using Geo_IP and DNS we'll direct you to the closest server to your geographical location... this will make sure you always have the best peering and speed. Staring in April with the Phase-3 launch you'll start to see some of these amazing improvements.
Speed is also very dependent on how close you are to the server that is serving you.........

We now run a nomadic server network in 5 different countries. Soon the network will run file mirrors, and using Geo_IP and DNS we'll direct you to the closest server to your geographical location... this will make sure you always have the best peering and speed. Staring in April with the Phase-3 launch you'll start to see some of these amazing improvements.

stop talk about speed depend how close we are to the server all work perfectly before server overload .

It's boring to receive stupid answer and excuse for explain why it's slow ,and always say problem are from our side.
Just simply answer the truth,too hard?
My location are always same and if speed change it's from your side the problem not mine.
I upload on 5 different host so it's simple to see if it's my side problem or your side problem !
You're just now connecting to a server that's farther from your location then before ... Speed from your location will improve in the coming days as more Euro servers come on-online. Our network is still being worked on... and growing... it's a very complex thing.
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