I tried emailing support but no replies so I guess that is just another issue that should be added to the list.
I imagine at least some of these problems have already been mentioned earlier but the thread is too long to read it all and I can't believe that someone doesn't bring these up every day. Otherwise there is no pressure on UL to fix them. I guess you guys are happy if you are making money. But wouldn't you like to earn that money just a bit easier.
These are all seemingly small issues but what they amount to is a very inefficient use of our time. It is hours and hours of extra time per month for things that can't be that hard to fix by UL's coders. Maybe I just missed something and I am the only one having a problem with these but I doubt it.
1. There is no way to copy multiple files at once. There is a create backup option but only on file by file basis.
2. Link options reset every time page is refreshed. (short links, bbcode etc). While it is most likely that everyone will always use the same options and if they are not the default option it takes two extra clicks for each session to correct them.
3. When bbcode is selected url is put in quotes while correct syntax doesn't have qoutes:
And then some platforms like phpbb won't even recognize it as correct and links will look messed up.
4. Files should be sorted by file names by default so when someone chooses to sort them by date they are still in correct order. As in newest files and sorted by file name at the same time. Which is most people need. The way things are now if you sort them by name you can get a 2 months old file at the top. And if you sort them by date you'll most likely have to fix the order as they won't be sorted by file name.
(workaround for this would be to keep new files in root folder or some other folder then sort them by name and move them afterwards) still it shouldn't need a workaround
5. You can't uncheck (deselect) files properly. If I have 10 files in root folder and select 2 of them clicking on what I'd have to call select all box (even thought it doesn't do that) it will u deselect 2 files that were previously selected and select other 8. So if you have a file split in 4 parts for example. You have to click 4 times first to select them. Then when you want to go on to next file which is let's say also in 4 parts you have to click previous parts 4 times to deselect them then click again 4 times for the next file.
So the only way to uncheck all the files is to refresh the page and then you'll end up with unsorted list.
So these are all as I mentioned small problems but if you handle 50 files per day (I imagine some people handle more). That could be hundreds of unnecessary clicks per day.
So I hope UL will address and fix some of these issues. Or that at least other affiliates will let them know that they should fix them.