uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Thinking of making the switch from Rapidgator to Uploaded. I have a couple of questions. Are you getting both PPD and PPS or is it like every other file host where you have to choose? Secondly, what is the payout method? Is it only Webmoney or do they use Paypal, alertpay, etc?

Thanks in advance,
Whats the max download file size for free users? 2GB?

Just to confirm; 1GB

is there any way to check which file got me premium sale?


If the the payout sum amounts less than 100 EUR, 20% processing fees will be charged! :(

how much fee payout above 100 euros ???

Above 100 eur is from our side without any fees. If you do bank transfer it could be with fees if you're not in sepa area.

@ull Sinem/TIll

can i change my purse after i request payment?i mean i create WM classic and i want to request to my classic purse. or i have to cancel the payment?thanks my stat still open

No, iam only able to decline your payout request so you can request it with the right purse. For this send me an pm with your account id.

Thinking of making the switch from Rapidgator to Uploaded. I have a couple of questions. Are you getting both PPD and PPS or is it like every other file host where you have to choose? Secondly, what is the payout method? Is it only Webmoney or do they use Paypal, alertpay, etc?

Thanks in advance,

PPD and PPS are active at the same time and we payout with AlertPay, WebMoney, PaySafeCard and BankTransfer.

is payza available for payouts tell me please.........????


I want to get premium like before when I enter number for SMS check and to receive pin it says option is not available for me?

From where do you try to purchase per sms?
Please check my account. My download statictics seems strange and improbable.

Till, please check your PM for my ID.
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Proxy Server

Is there anyone with experience using the Uploaded.net Proxy server (Proxy Einstellungen) services to upload files?

This is my specific question: Which is the best proxy server software or services to use?

I have tried everything; I keep getting failed messages.

Please be as specific as you can. PM is necessary. I'm ready to pay for the information, if it works.
go on , they say do not thanks to payments to earns , because motha killers around are searching topics and hunting us.
Stop those payment thanks and blah blah, just talk about tech problems, use PM for payment thanks or problems
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