Uploaded.to Has Deactivate PPD Program

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Also their payment system seems a bit messed up. For example if you try to pay for a premium account with Bitcoin, it sends you to a reseller page instead of a page to send them bitcoins...
and this means the uploader gets nothing from that sale ... :facepalm:

I also have open payment more than 3 weeks now.
I requested 33Euro on 8thMarch, after more than 2 weeks, they sent me 24Euro, that means they cut me about 27 percent, not 20%. Wrote a ticket, but never got reply.

thats exact percentage alertpay cuts off if your account type is bussines/professional.

forget ul.to delete files and move on. bitshare is maybe the best one at the moment
thats exact percentage alertpay cuts off if your account type is bussines/professional.

forget ul.to delete files and move on. bitshare is maybe the best one at the moment

lol, bitshare? I don't think so, never saw BS links on those biggest warez sites. Maybe they will work with BS after netload/filefactory/turbobit... fall.
Now almost file hosting need sale-uploader only :facepalm:. I move ul.to to my blacklist

well, filehoster certainly need more sale, since ads alone can't cover for our payment!

which is i think this is the main reason ul.to closed their PPD program and payment delay.
it's inevitable though, since they don't use paypal anymore
Hey folks, I decided to sent an email to UL.to Support and they replied me fast, here is what they told me:


So, they will still paying all current requests of payments :D! but saddly the PPD is disable until new advice.
But in the "new" news UL writes:

"Cyando entirely omits the 'Pay per Download' affiliate model and puts faith in its strong customer base, in return, the revenue you'll earn for leading customers to our platform was increased from 3 EUR to 7 EUR per new customer."
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