- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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Originally Posted by comehereall
The Payment is disabled,
Filepost Can you answer us what will be the future of FilePost ?

My bad, I did have in my balance 14$ and can't payout yesterday...
I was in panic with 10 min's earlier I was seen FSn shutting down the affiliate...

Sorry for my bad...

The payment process working fine...

i summitted a ticket yesterday and today they answered me.


We receive a numerous serious abuses, especially on files from Movies category from different abuse companies with a demand to ban accounts otherwise there is a risk of opening legal proceedings against us, which would entail the closure of our service.

Due to recent events:, we cannot afford that risk.
We are forced to take measures."

and i also asked them to give me free premium account and they gave me premium for 2 months.By the way i dont upload any movie,warez or games.i upload more amateur adult videos or old/not famous studios.

And the finaly last night i asked to pay still progressing.But i will wait untill 7pm(acording to Turkish time)Because they always paid me at that time.i will wait and see.if they pay,then i will upload again
@filepost, large warez blogs like,,etc are now switching to filepost, might wanna remove them soon or all will be uploading warez to filepost
and u will be banned cause WAREZ expecially MOVIE is extremely dangerous here.
I will share only XXX with filepost. I do not risk my account with warez.(games , movies or mp3)
I personally deleted all my fp files just as in fileserve and filesonic...(just to be careful) just wanted to say thanks.... for everything....goodluck to all!
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