Feds Shut Down Megaupload

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If its really down for ever then we are all fucked. If they were able to take them down I am sure they can take the rest down. Idc if you guys say OTHER HOSTS will come, yea SHITTY hosts!
I wish it was shitty filehosts, fuck you FBI and all those that are trying to bring an end to piracy just because the wealthy people in the industry want more money! Fuck you!
Its again proof tht, "NOTHING IS PERMANENT IN LIFE" :( we have to get over it....;)
To worried ppol,:'(
Like one warez board got down thn new two pop up:sun:...Same thing apply for Filehost....;)
BTW its not so shocking ...We have seen this before with Other Popular Filehost too...
btw I guess, its a great News For Cash Whore Uploader...So dont panic..
here is my 2 cent..
This site wasnt even hosted in USA. Hopefully they just took the domain away and they can register some megaupload.hk or something similiar.
This site wasnt even hosted in USA. Hopefully they just took the domain away and they can register some megaupload.hk or something similiar.

i dont think so..
they shut down the entire site and owner will be jail
he they will open site again will all previous data, just with neew domain, i might get my all backup then
just lost all my backup :(

You should be more worried about the fact that MU has a record of our IPS, Emails, Paypal IDs etc etc. If they indeed are down for good, i wont be surprised if the feds get their hands on all this juicy info to convict dozens of people around the world.
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