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I'm going on my second month, so far I really like these guys.
I have had little, or no down time. And the support is pretty good.
Never lags, it's only been fast for me.
I used to have Norted, they were okay, until they decided to shutdown because they were "hacked".

I'm using Shared hosting for now if it helps anybody.

I can't think of much more to say, so if you have any questions about them before you buy, ask away.
I use WrzHost for some of my hosting needs, and so far they've been awesome.

Emails, questions, and IM's are answered quick. :)

In the past when WrzHost was a smaller operation, it had its downsides, and was known for slow support, but nowadays with all the revamps done, it's back to being great.
Thanks for the feedback, as always if you have any suggestions let us know, we're always looking to improve our services.
Been there almost 2 yrs, couple little things have came up, but, hardly any down time( couple hrs added together) and their always on msn or answer my tickets pretty fast.Speeds great,and prices dont leave us broke.Id recommend them.
Currently running two vps's with them. Good uptime + Very professional... however a bit slow support on the tickets, but they are almost always on msn.
We are working on the support issue, recently we have had an increase in tickets logged, so we are looking for a suitable member of staff.

So we hope everything will be better for you.
This is off-topic.

Once again, I am online now, I will not support you through forums. This will be the last time I reply to your posts.

Edit: I have once again been online all day.
Ah, I've always wanted to give the company a go, and even my friend had recommended this to me for my blog, but I was looking for HK hosting which is why I never did go with them.

But if they ever do move into HK Shared servers, I'll probably be one of the first to give it a go! :)
They are fucking shit, the shared server isnt working ok for almost 3 days now. Costing me a shit load of money. Thanks wrzhost! For the quick service.
ok, the disks failed in the server. Downtime was 7 hours ,they had a full restore on the one server with a backup from 2 minutes before the failure.
server has been up for awhile.And support is here,
Message from Nick as he cannot reply to this topic right now.

The disks have failed in the server. It took 7 hours to recover it to a new server. There hasn't been any data loss in the process.

Thank you.
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