wrzhost or warez-host?

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Active Member
hi friends,

what is the best host of this two?
wrzhost.com or warez-host.com?

Or you have any other suggestion?
I want to order a semi dedicated server and the server must be fast and 99,9% uptime
Hello Divvy,
Warez-host i would stay well clear off many people have has bad times with them and they are run by children.

Wrzhost has been around alot longer but there is good reviews and bad reviews same for everyhost.

But out of those to i would go for Wrzhost.com they are much more reliable and are very friendly to customers from what i can see.

Guys The Thread Owner Is Searching For Semi Dedicated Server So Post Those Offering This Type Of Server Not Shared Or Anything Or Just Say which one is best among wrzhost or warez-host
I would seriously look elsewhere all together, I've had WRZhost for two weeks and its been down often, not sure what their issues are now.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt because they have been in business for so long and had reputable reviews. But at the same time they haven't done much for me.
Who's offline?


Because i just checked...they aren't offline.. my website is up and everything.
They have only been down once in the past 3 motnhs, and that was only for 1 hour, because of a new server.
The main site is offline so it's not only you who is having problems but my servers in HK and NL are still up and that's what matters I guess.
that's is what I was waiting to hear :D
thank you tippie!

Btw, can you give me some urls of your site that are hosted in wrzhost? Do you shared, semi or dedicated server?

thank you my friend
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