which shared hosting i should to buy?

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Active Member

please recommend me which shared hosting company giving reliable service share you experience i have to buy hosting

kind regards
@localhost: thank you for your interest. i`ll host a scene blog,like filesharefreak...i had a authors account there and i had different ideas,but it did not go down well with the boss, so i want to start a new site of my own...as i knew,we were recieving threats, so i need all threats to be ignored(BREIN,DMCA etc),and also server management.(like hardening and all security related issues)

it wont host any warez nor indexing nor linking.

.also from when are you up and whats the name of your host(assuming you are a host)..any reviews of your site at wht?

do you accept alertpay?

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whats your site?is this host good for warez linking?

I used to own a warez linking forum. I don't run it anymore due to lack of motivation. Yes, this is a good host for warez linking. I've been with them for over an year now and i'm very happy. I'm currently having a legit site with them.
I used to own a warez linking forum. I don't run it anymore due to lack of motivation. Yes, this is a good host for warez linking. I've been with them for over an year now and i'm very happy. I'm currently having a legit site with them.

thanks for replying

unfortunately for me,they dont accept alertpay.
from your post count its obvious you know what you are doing.can you recommend me a host for warez linking/(or see my above posts),that accepts alertpay as payment gateway? my budget is around 40-50$ pm to start with.

^^not exactly starting out...have other sites that i run well and are well placed on alexa , google etc..so if i can optimize my site well, it should be reieving around 1000-5000uv daily in about a 15days time...i will place backlinks to my new site on my exisitng sites to drive traffic...so thats why my budget is high...these 1$$ plans dont cut it for me anymore

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