Which is the best web hosting company to use?

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Hello everyone :) I hope this forum post will do some of the small business owners out there some good ! Have you just started your website or looking to change/upgrade your web hosting? Give this article a read for an honest frank comparison of some of the biggest web hosting companies around at the moment :sun:.

Best web hosting for smaller businesses

The first stage in this article is to understand exactly what web hosting is; essentially once you have created your website you need to make the website accessible on the internet, in order to do this you need to put your website onto a sever. This is where web hosting comes into it, when you pay for web hosting you are in essence paying for access to a server.
So now we know what web hosting is where does a smaller business come into all of this? Web Hosting, like most other commodities comes in different sizes and prices so in order to adequately meet your business needs the correct hosing package needs selecting. Correct in two ways, firstly, that web hosting can handle the amount of traffic and usage that you anticipate your website will receive and, secondly, that you aren’t spending excessive money on a web hosting package which is disproportionate to your needs.

#1: JustHost

Coming in first place is JustHost. JustHost have been placed here for numerous reasons, firstly, they offer the most exceptional value for money bundle with unlimited bandwidth and disk space for $2.95/month; they also offer unlimited MySQL databases and unlimited hosted domains. Supporting JustHost’s unlimited package is their exceptional online support, they offer 24/7 phone and email support, user forums and knowledgebases (for dealing with well-known issues).

#2: GoDaddy

Coming in second place if the world known GoDaddy. GoDaddy have been placed below JustHost primarily because their unlimited package, which matches JustHost, is charged at $4.99/month making it one of the more expensive web hosting companies. GoDaddy opposed to JustHost do offer windows Hosting as well as Linux Hosting. Another excellent feature of GoDaddy’s web hosting is they offer represent incredible ease of use which is an important factor for novice users.

#3: HostGator

HostGator have been placed third purely because they are more expensive than JustHost and the web hosting isn’t as user friendly as such a package found at GoDaddy. For the HostGator unlimited package $3.96 is required, but this money gains you access to one of the best web hosting companies around at the moment. HostGator’s unlimited package rivals and is arguably better than JustHost because HostGator support windows severs. If you are an experience user and looking for an all out unlimited hosting plan this is the ticket for you.


I hope the above comparison of the three most popular web hosting companies assists you whilst selecting a web hosting company for your website and please note the prices are correct at the time of writing.

Please note the original article was taken and rewritten for forum use from Web Design Manchester
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