what should i buy unmanaged or managed vps

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just want to start my own forum site need help knowing about diff b/w these two

buying vps for first time...so should i go with unamanged or managed service..

also if u could tell me the exact diff b/w managed and unmanaged service it would be a nice help

thnx :D
well managed the hosting company would basically do everything for you, install protection,update the softwares,etc

but unmanaged you would have to do all that by yourself, but of course you can always ask them for help
yes i am from symbian-tech...............u can found me registered on each site......that's bcoz i want to learn more ...n thnx for usefull info
It's good to learn, but such things need to be installed correctly to work, if you're not able to install/protect/configure etc, then i'd highly suggest to use an managed service. If you need any further assistance do let me know, i'd be more than happy to help you out. Drop me a p/m.


If you don't have any experience with Linux, security, optimization etc you will be better with a managed VPS. It will save you a lot of time.
ace is offering managed service on cheap rates but his hosting company has very bad reputation on wj in past weks............
I advise you to get an unmanaged server.
Basically, all the hosts that you will find here are offering both managed and unmanaged, but in managed, they do the exact stuff that you could do with Google's help.

So buy unmanaged, save yourself 20 bucks and learn something.. Google is your friend. :)
@Maniac_ that exactly what i supposed to do but i was bit confused that's why i make this thread to know others persons view and learn from there expreince......
I just got an unmanaged VPS at a good price with a single IP. I was able to install Webmin to manage it but now I am facing a problem on how setup my nameservers.

I have been asking support from my provider but they are not so helpful at all as their answers are half-baked. Probably, they wanted me to buy additional services.

One good thing, I just paid for a month, and if I am not successful with this, I will find another host which could be more helpful.

Another problem that I foresee will be setting up the mail server.

Currently, I am still using the IP address to access it and not my domain name.

When you get an unmanaged VPS, it pretty much means you are own your own, and any help they provide is a courtesy from the provider.

It took me a few straight days to learn how to set my own VPS up, but here is some advice I can give you to help you save hours.

1) Google is your friend, all of your answers are there, keep searching.

2) I use EHCP since it is free, easy automatic install and can set up all my A records, manage multiple sites, and mail server etc with a few mouse clicks.

3) Nameservers are set wherever you purchased your domain at.
If you bought them on Godaddy, google Godaddy nameserver setup, etc.
I just got an unmanaged VPS at a good price with a single IP. I was able to install Webmin to manage it but now I am facing a problem on how setup my nameservers.

I have been asking support from my provider but they are not so helpful at all as their answers are half-baked. Probably, they wanted me to buy additional services.

One good thing, I just paid for a month, and if I am not successful with this, I will find another host which could be more helpful.

Another problem that I foresee will be setting up the mail server.

Currently, I am still using the IP address to access it and not my domain name.

Most of the people hate Webmin.. Its because they dont know how to properly use it. Its a brilliant and light-weight application.

Ok, let me help you with this one.

In the past ive been running a really big site (hotfile-movies.com) from a 380MB ram VPS. How? i only used it as DB and webserver.
You dont need a DNS server, you dont need a mail server. Why overload your system when there are other people doing it for you, for free?

1) Use a free DNS management website to manage your nameservers. (i use freedns.afraid.org) (With 1 ip, thats the way to go)
2) Use gmail for your email. (Install Google apps and get webmail in the form of mail.yourdomain.com, powered by gmail, without using any of your space for storage)

If you need any detailed help, just contact me, i can help you.
webmin is cool

there is good tutorial on youtube how to install webmine, so you dont need to pay extra for managed vps, also there is few vp providers that are very cheap and they offer kloxo installation for free and all other but you need to pay for licenced like cpanel
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