What is uploader?

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Who sent you the message out of curiosity? Can you post a copy of it here as members aren't allowed to do that?

An uploader is someone who uploads illegal warez files to a file host like filesonic.com and then posts topics on your website with the download links so visitors to the website can download the files.
ohh they give you "massage" these days to become an uploader? Cool. Can i haz a massage too? Boy, I'm tired.

An uploader is someone who uploads illegal warez files to a file host like filesonic.com and then posts topics on your website with the download links so visitors to the website can download the files.

An uploader is anyone who uploads a file,picture,video or any information which another person wants. These uploaders use a internet server to share files.

I didn't know they changed the definition for uploading.
Any kind of uploading is uploading.

Uploading is the transmission of a file from one computer system to another, usually larger computer system. From a network user's point-of-view, to upload a file is to send it to another computer that is set up to receive it. People who share images with others on bulletin board services ( BBS ) upload files to the BBS.

Transmission in the other direction is downloading -- from one, usually larger computer to another, usually smaller computer. From an Internet user's point-of-view, downloading is receiving a file from another computer.

The File Transfer Protocol ( FTP ) is the Internet facility for downloading and uploading files. (If you are uploading a file to another site, you must usually have permission in advance to access the site and the directory where the file is to be placed.)

When you send or receive an attached file with an e-mail note, this is just an attachment, not a download or an upload. However, in practice, many people use "upload" to mean "send" and "download" to mean receive. The term is used loosely in practice and if someone says to you "Download (or upload) such--and-such a file to me" via e-mail, they simply mean "Send it to me."

In short, from the ordinary workstation or small computer user's point-of-view, to upload is to send a file and to download is to receive a file.
Source -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uploading_and_downloading

In computer networks, to download means to receive data to a local system from a remote system, or to initiate such a data transfer. Examples of a remote system from which a download might be performed include a webserver, FTP server, email server, or other similar systems. Downloading or uploading is relative to the system involved, for example a PC downloads a file from a server while the server is uploading that file to that PC, it has nothing to do with the size of the systems involved (see Sideload below).

A download can mean either any file that is hallooo offered for downloading or that has been downloaded, or the process of receiving such a file.

It has become more common to mistake and confuse the meaning of downloading and installing or simply combine them incorrectly together.

The inverse operation, uploading, can refer to the sending of data from a local system to a remote system such as a server or another client with the intent that the remote system should store a copy of the data being transferred, or the initiation of such a process. The words first came into popular usage among computer users with the increased popularity of Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs), facilitated by the widespread distribution and implementation of dial-up access the in the 1970s.
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Kindly, Post The Member's Message Here So That We Can Fuck That Guy Up. :) Requesting For Uploaders is Banned on wJ Now! xD
Term uploading is actually derived from latin word uplo dick which means back to blow job

lol wt* :P
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LOL just answer the question people. The person wants you to put illegal files on file hosting sites. Click report on the message if it was here
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