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OK I have explored EVERY single way of making money. There is hardly a way that is uknown to me. The problem - nothing works out, something always happens and I can't grasp the the way and actually make some nice revenue. My biggest income has come from PPD sites but back then I was on ORON and when it got shut down I stopped. I made some nice $500 from it for about 2 months time. Considering I was newbie it was perfect. But now... I can't make anything out of nothing. I tried CPA, PPD, Youtubing, facebook and so much other stuff but hell no - nothing comes out. No one actually cares enough to help me and I can't grasp the nature of the earingn method. Can you advise me what to do? I have a few ideas but I think they are going to be like the last ones - total fails. I consider learning photoshop/flash/css/java/php. Do you think creating facebook games/apps and selling/using them is profitable? I am really hard-working and I put a lot of effort every time I find a new opportunity. Please guide me to a new and brighter beginning. Thank you in advance!
Oh yeah tried that one too. Didn't quite work out. I was busting my A** of submitting to sites, creating backlinkgs and facebook+youtube+twitter advertising but nothing special. Hardly managed a few daily visits what's left for registration or a post. Forums were full with content though - I made sure there was something for them to watch, download etc.
There's quite a lot of tutorials on how to start your own site, how to pick a niche that will work for you, how to optimize it, how to gain proper backlinks, and become authority, how to post youtube videos, optimize them for best results, and then further promote them, how to open facebook, twitter, pinterest, or google+ account, how to gain proper targetted audience, and promote your content through those services.

Basic understanding is to gain targetted traffic, and lead them to your monetization site. Everything spins around that. But above all that, is content. If content is not interesting, people will not return, they won't search more on your site. So, picking right niche that fits your abilities to create quality content, is the key. In other words, don't create site 'how to make money online' if you have no clue how to make it, because your articles will reflect that.
I have done everything of the above mate. I feel like I lost half of my life reading through mindless tutorials or good tutorials but with a bad outcome for me. Traffic seemed to be the level impossible to me. The only big traffic came from youtube and it was not consistent - registrations were deleted daily and finally I gave up. I spent much time for almost no money and it didn't feel good :(
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