warezwago.com review plz.

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Nice start. The big X doesnt really need to be there, you could put your logo on there or even an image stating REGISTER TO BENEFIT etc. I like how you've got the warez at the top. How about a custom favicon too? (The image next to the URL). I don't tend to say this to site reviewers but how about a homepage, it'll make the site a bit more different from the normal warez sites. A shoutbox would be good, thats a must. Overall 8/10. Now advertise your site!
You moved to IPB just because of that skin? Anyway your site speed is good and works fine.

Lol..no way man. I moved to IPB cuz have great skins and mods.

Anyway, I have a friend that is trying to get into my site but he said that he get "page cannot be displayed"

Any idea..?
Nice site, I like it :)

it's nice and fast and im sure it is on his end. Let him do "ping warezwago.com" in the command prompt and see if he get's any results

Keep it up
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