Warez Sites gonna be Blocked [Bad News]

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Active Member
Here is a Bad news for Warez Site Owners.

In the United States, a new law proposal called The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) was introduced last week, and there will be a hearing in front of the Judiciary Committee this Thursday.

If passed, this law will allow the government, under the command of the media companies, to censor the internet as they see fit, like China and Iran do, with the difference that the sites they decide to censor will be completely removed from the internet and not just in the US.

Check this Link for More Info
It says in the source that if this law passes websites outside USA won't be affected unless "harms intellectual property rights holders that are residents of the United States." But if it passes people in USA are fooked ^o).
warez will never die,just the last couple years 1000s os new,and mostly crappy sites have popped up,if they get 'blocked' warez will just go underground again instead of being mainstream the way it is now
whatever .. piracy will never end ... online is just a way to share is more ... ppl will be creating piracy offline and distributing them or even createe a private server ... or something .... but it'll never end !!
It's not really bad news, this law will never go through. Piracy is too big and it's a way of life now. My neighbour is a policeman yet he still downloads movies and shit off the net. :).
well if im not wronged this happened in france where isp monitored and blocked warez if you were found downloading warez either your isp terminate your connection and you could see police knocking at your door in 5 min!
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