Warez-bb and Google Adsense , But how ?

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Today i see google adsense on warez-bb , how can it happen ? if me not wrong , google against to warez . If they started to publish on warez pages , maybe i can also use on my webpage too . My webpage about online money making and i can not put ads because i introduce paid to click and other money making methods on my webpage . Bidvertiser , adbrite and adsense not approve this kind of things .

What is your idea about this ?
Chill off bro. Google will never allow adsense on warez sites. Warez-bb uses third party ads.
So what happened is, some person put his adsense codes in the third party ad site and that third party ad site is displaying google ads on warez-bb.

So the adsense account of that person who put his adsense codes in the third party ad site will be banned :)
i got it now , i was happy maybe i could put ads on my page too . i am angry because , some people can put banner on money making blogs too , and neither adsense nor adbrite ban
happens all the time, scriptmafia was able to put on google adsens and get paid as well :P but they dont keep it on 24/7 they do it once a month
Warez-BB is not run by a bunch of noobs like many of the other sites around here. They wouldn't have added Google adverts unless they knew they were going to get paid.

I think Warez-BB may have just found a brilliant loop hole in Google Adverts. On Warez-BB you have to login to get any warez so as far as Google is concerned it's not a Warez site. It's a private site. They may get away with this unlike everyone else's site here who is open to Google or has a guest area.

If the intelligent people at Warez-BB are correct and this is a loophole they have found then this is brilliant news for other private sites like Private Torrent Trackers etc.

I'll be watching this closely too see how it goes but this maybe one of the most intelligent moves in Warez in a long time as Google Adverts pay way more money. If the account is redirected through Adsense or their advertisers then we'll just have to wait and see and they will probably be banned..
^It's not because Mr Happy said that "wbb found a hole in adsense" that it means it's true. He was only stating something possible - so please don't spread the rumors or saying something like you just said.
no they will get banned i had a private site and they made me make them a account
and they checked my site but my warez where in VIP area so they requested a VIP account to check for warez hacks or anything against there TOS so i had to delete the warez forum before they saw it.

Paypal Donation did the same thing to me aswell limiting my account till i proved my site was legit
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