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Active Member
I am looking for a viable PPD. Does anyone here have any experience with a PPD plan where the file host rewards their affiliates for their work? I cannot accept webmoney. So I can only receive payments from Paypal or Payza.

I use to always use PPS. But with so many hosts disappearing and reappearing, the people where I post are sick to death of all of the new ones. They pay to join 3 or 4 and then they just disappear. They are sick to death of it. So I want to start with a PPD and then when people see that a file host is going to last, then they will buy a membership. But they're just not going to buy in the beginning. So I need to start with a PPD. And if the file host is going to last, then I will definitely get sales. I use to get $200 to $300 with Oron per week.

I also hope that I can find a PPD that pays weekly. Because, as mentioned above, an affiliate can spends weeks of his time uploading and posting just to get ripped off. And this is exactly the reason that I got so mad about the suggestion from another member here that affiliates should also buy a membership to a file host in order to make money. So you pay them your hard earned money, spend hours working for them, and then they rip you off.

So if anyone has a good experience with a PPD plan, one that appears to be honest and trustworthy, I hope that you will be so kind as to share that here.

---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

I have tried but the pay is so low. And people complain that the popups are so many that they cannot even see the download link. was also mentioned that they were a duplicate of another file service that was banned.
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Have you try
Although they shave downloads and their counting method worse than 1ip/24hrs..
Their plan is mixed with PPD/PPS..
And they pay with payza.. around 20days..
suggestion from another member here that affiliates should also buy a membership to a file host in order to make money

this is fucking bullshit. if the file host is at least a bit worthy you could simply make enough money to upgrade for 90 days premium.

[mod]Use the scam word again and you get a vacation. That will give you more time to upload and find new host to work with so they can run with the affiliate earnings.[/mod]
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Not so smart, admitting you upload and are in the US and what you were earning with Oron also.

I can not wait for the day you post about getting a court summons and you are panicking.

Maybe we can post the all news articles and you can be the next To0.
@WDF i hope you don't give an infractions or banns for MLM word since these 2 hosts that you don't want to be discussed at WJ are much related to it and everyone can do a google search to find out in 2 minutes why not to use them.

also note that i do not need new host as i use bitshare :) as primary which is not here for 2 months and is trusted since they are paying 10-15 days after request, so @cfrasher i would suggest you to try it
I am looking for a viable PPD. Does anyone here have any experience with a PPD plan where the file host rewards their affiliates for their work?

It really is pointless asking such questions because what will work for one will not necessarily work for others.
If user A is on PPD and is bringing in sales he will get paid because they are an asset to the host.
If user B is on PPD and is bringing in zero sales then the host will ban the account using DMCA as well as others for the reason.

You have to do your homework and read the topics BUT if you are uploading illegal files and bringing in zero sales then you will be on a short term affiliation whoever you are with so I would start off lightly cash in as soon as you can, and if you get payment work a bit more.
If you are unhappy delete the files and move on, but the chance of you having any luck with all these new start ups is pretty slim.
@WDF i hope you don't give an infractions or banns for MLM word since these 2 hosts that you don't want to be discussed at WJ are much related to it and everyone can do a google search to find out in 2 minutes why not to use them.

also note that i do not need new host as i use bitshare :) as primary which is not here for 2 months and is trusted since they are paying 10-15 days after request, so @cfrasher i would suggest you to try it

I used bitshare a long time ago. That may work out for PPS. I have used them before and I think maybe people will trust them more. Thanks for the tip.

---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------

you can try but they cheat downloads and views alot

I'll run a test on them. Thanks

---------- Post added at 09:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------

It really is pointless asking such questions because what will work for one will not necessarily work for others.
If user A is on PPD and is bringing in sales he will get paid because they are an asset to the host.
If user B is on PPD and is bringing in zero sales then the host will ban the account using DMCA as well as others for the reason.

You have to do your homework and read the topics BUT if you are uploading illegal files and bringing in zero sales then you will be on a short term affiliation whoever you are with so I would start off lightly cash in as soon as you can, and if you get payment work a bit more.
If you are unhappy delete the files and move on, but the chance of you having any luck with all these new start ups is pretty slim.

I hadn't thought of it that way but I guess you're right. It depends on the target audience and other things. I was about to just give up but I think I am going to experiment some more. Thanks for the input.
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