Selling VCC for Paypal, Ebay

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Active Member

I am here selling VCC which can be used for various purposes.


VCC for paypal verification: $7 (You will get $1.95 to your paypal back)
VCC for Ebay: $5
VCC for other purposes: Contact me via PM


Payment via LR.

VCC details will be as below
Card Type: VISA
Card Number: 16-Digit Card number
Expiry date: mm/yy
Security code: XXX

Use VCC within 24 hrs of receipt else it will be expired. Once used, VCC will expire after 3 months
This is a One-Time use VCC & cannot be used for 2 times or subscription or membership
Your PayPal account will still be verified even after the VCC has expired. So Don't worry
The entire 5-Step process hardly takes 5 minutes & i receive the 4-digit EXPUSE code Instantly.

Please send PM if you want to order or if you have any questions.

Thanking you
Well on top of you not having a ton of posts or credit here, pretty sure we dont like to allow the sale of vcc, cvv, or anything really to do with this kind of stuff. I understand wsm has been having problems, but find another marketplace please.

Well on top of you not having a ton of posts or credit here, pretty sure we dont like to allow the sale of vcc, cvv, or anything really to do with this kind of stuff. I understand wsm has been having problems, but find another marketplace please.


Supposedly WJ does allow them if they get verified.
(i thought the same you did and got an infraction for stating that)
How do i get verified by a mod. I mean which mod should i contact.

Also, i agree i don't have credit here but give me a chance. I am not here to scam anyone. I am here to increase my business and help others.

Thanking you
i am not a mod, but i can verify, i have a guy looking to verify 2 pp accounts.
he can only pay by paypal though

i will personally vouch if it goes through (don't know if it is faster than a mod's verfication)
Since when did verification become a rule? As far as I know it isn't. We do check stuff we believe MIGHT be a scam or has a high potential to be one. Especially with higher priced stuff. Again, this isn't WSM where staff harasses sellers to get verified (read: get free stuff). At $7 and considering the fact he asked me how to get verified I don't consider this to be a potential scam.

@Sandin0, grats for derailing a thread, again. The report alone wasn't enough? 8-)
Thanks Hyperz a lot for replying here. I am not here to scam anyone. I have been scammed before and i know how it feels to be scammed. I have already contacted Sandin0 and waiting for his reply. Hopefully, his review will be on this thread soon. Aslo, i have sold one VCC on other forum for verifying MoneyBookers. So, my VCC can be used to verifying MB also.

Thanking you
Since when did verification become a rule? As far as I know it isn't. We do check stuff we believe MIGHT be a scam or has a high potential to be one. Especially with higher priced stuff. Again, this isn't WSM where staff harasses sellers to get verified (read: get free stuff). At $7 and considering the fact he asked me how to get verified I don't consider this to be a potential scam.

@Sandin0, grats for derailing a thread, again. The report alone wasn't enough? 8-)

He asked b/c we told him to.
And how did i derail this thread? I am merely trying to help out, and yes i would have thought it was enough, but you mods are not doing your job and taking so long to respond to reports.

Also why don't you look at the post below, and see who really is derailing 8-)


He is just trying to get free VCC =) and u fell for him :D

Honestly george, if i really needed my own VCC i would just apply for another credit card, seeing as how i am of the legal age. As i said in the post i have someone who is interested. I would gladly go to you, but this guy is cheaper, and actually seems more trust worthy. That is why i said i would personally vouch for him, seeing as how i would make a good vouch b/c i make hundreds of transactions with people, so i wouldn't look like a "scammer" or as if i am "lying".
Not only that, him lowering the price to get verified, just is proof that he is not trying to scam, usually people don't do that, so i find him honest.
Why don't you go sell your paypal book again.

'nuff said.
are you sure this will work with moneybookers? If you can guarantee that my mb will be verified by your vcc I'll pay 8lr.
add me.
Okay, we communicated via MSN and my friend sent him payment, i then got the VCC info and forwarded to my friend. My friend tried to verify a USA PP and it did not work, so he kindly got refunded by raryan99 and we found out that it does not work with USA PP.

Even though it did not work, it does not seem he is a scammer, and looks like he is a good guy :) Nice doing business with you. Good luck with other countries / payment methods.
I found out one thing on the net:
In countries like US,UK,Canada and Australia for verification you need both cc and bank account to be added.

Now in these countries , if you only add a cc , then your limits are inreased however the account isnt verified.This situation is known as confirmed accounts.

However in other countries like India , European countries,Asian countries you only need a cc to verify your account.In these countries no need of a bank account is there.So no such state of confirmation exists.

So except a few countries like US.UK most of the countries just need a vcc to get there paypal verified.
I found out one thing on the net:

Yes what you found is right. In countries like US,UK you need to have VBA in addition to VCC to have your account Verified + Confirmed. VBA is Virtual Bank Account which some people used to open at netspend( but I dont think its available anymore, I have seen some selling VBA here also. You need a VCC to Confirm your address in these countries. Some sellers(usually on eBay) only ship to confirmed addresses.

All D Best with your sales (y). I might need one soon :)

Hope Mods dont think I m posting useless posts & give me another infraction (yn)
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