vBulletin IMDB Info Generator

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Info: What is this plugin for?

This plugin makes it possible to show data from IMDB Movie Database using the movie ID with a BBCode.

As far as I know many users were looking for a plugin something like this which pulls data from IMDB and shows directly in the post.

This plugin uses a script which is contributed under GPL. However, a big part of the system was rewritten and a lot of coding were done to integrate both systems.

Plugin Pulls these movie information:
- Contry (
- Genre
- Time
- Language
- Director
- Cast
- Description
- IMDB Score
- Thumbnail Picture
- Trailer Link
- Advanced control of style, language and dimension.

Requirements: Your host must have allow_url_fopen = on

Selling this for only 15 USD for the first 3 People, then 20 for everyone one else. Paypal ONLY.

This will be licensed to your site, meaning you can't share the script nor use on multiple sites, valid for one installation only.


BTW Need money to pay someone some money I owe.

Also if I raise 50 USD in donations I will release this for free only here at WJ.com

well considering anyone can get it for free from vb.org that doesnt seem like a very good deal to me,ya even used teh same screenshot from tht thread at vb.org

Or you can download it here:

vB Topic:



Lol if you think this is the one from vb.org, the one from vb.org is the LITE version, the one he's selling is for 20 dollars and thats the one with all the options but he has his script encoded. Lite version is not good. If your a trusted webmaster Im willing to give a free test license so you can verify its fully working. Also your host needs to
Requirements: Your host must have allow_url_fopen = on

So Curtis if you want a free test copy let me know
well why would anyone buy it from you? when ya can dontate to the actual coder and recieve support if needed,somehow i doubt you are laztrix

Lol if you think this is the one from vb.org, the one from vb.org is the LITE version, the one he's selling is for 20 dollars and thats the one with all the options but he has his script encoded. Lite version is not good. If your a trusted webmaster Im willing to give a free test license so you can verify its fully working. Also your host needs to
Requirements: Your host must have allow_url_fopen = on

So Curtis if you want a free test copy let me know
rofl, you think i didnt know?
I use a similar plugin on my blog which is released free by a Dutch creator.

It's a nice plugin, but miserably fails most of the time ....
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