Selling Uploading Scene Releases

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Active Member

You can purchase 100 movies for a reasonable rate at $15 USD. (all)
You can purchase 100 albums (all 0day) for $10 USD. (0day)
You can purchase 100 games for $15 USD. (0day, .iso)
You can purchase 100 porn clips for $10 USD. (0day)
You can purchase 100 porn movies for $15 USD. (0day)
You can purchase 100 TV-Shows for $15 USD. (XviD / x264)
You can purchase 100 apps for $10 USD. (0day, .iso)

Or shoot me with what you need!

Customs plans are available!
Price may change! (Depends on your site!)
Thanks for wishing me good luck.

And if people has to copy my post, it only means that I did a good job so far.

Are you interested ashuu? :-)
How much would you charge to upload a anime series e.g. Full metal alchemist to 3 video sharing sites with watermark on each episode
Like at the start of the video it should have startup image from the site and on the bottom left corner it should have a text of the site
^ That kind of work would be way more expensive.

How much would you pay for that?

I will have to charge per hour for such kind of work.
I'd rather like that you put an offer and i'll accept or decline.
Gimme a reasonable price idk how much to offer :P

you will have to do the subbed and dubbed and post it into the custom cms when it's finished coding

You can purchase 100 GB with movies (DVDR and XviD) for a reasonable rate at $10 USD.
You can purchase 100 GB of scene music (all 0day) for $10 USD.
You can purchase 100 GB of games for $10 USD.
You can purchase 100 GB of porn for $10 USD.


This is a fully dedicated uploading service, so ONE release for ONE site only.
I will not do as many uploader does. ETC, posting same releaes on several sites, only changing MD5 and URL or whatsoever. This will never ever happend..! This is so retarded low.



Absolutely everything I am going to upload is only stuff that has been released on the same exact day.
I am not going to upload old shit (1 day+). So keep in mind that your site might be the first site that actually got the release.

Not meaning to bash but:
100GB of movies - there's like 5 movies on avg a day only released, and you say you will only post 0day so it would take like 20 days to finish..

You will not post the same release on several sites; this means you will only accept 1 porn upload site, 1 game etc? With 5 movies a day how would you be able to post different releases on different sites?
I don't know, but it's not the type of service I was planning on selling here, so I think I will have to reject in until further.

Please contact me if you REALLY needs this and please shoot me with a price :)
Not meaning to bash but:
100GB of movies - there's like 5 movies on avg a day only released, and you say you will only post 0day so it would take like 20 days to finish..

You will not post the same release on several sites; this means you will only accept 1 porn upload site, 1 game etc? With 5 movies a day how would you be able to post different releases on different sites?

Is this 5 movies? huh

If there should be any problem, if the owner thinks it's ok that his site gets the same release as another sites gets, then fine. I'll do it.

If not, he would've to wait till im done with the other sites.
Of course I can't accept more sites then possible at once. I'll accept one or two, finish the work and then I can be hired by someone else.
^ Again, if the owner really wants OLD uploads, then fine. I can also upload older releases.

Thought most webmasters wanted the latest.
Yeah I was referring to english (regular) releases. Really, most movies released daily are pure crap (not even above 50 imdb votes), and are often in another language which you won't find out till reading the imdb or nfo page as it's not in the title whatsoever.
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