Dear clients and customers ,

We are happy to announce you that all our hardware is now fully changed both on our VPS's / SSD's and decicated servers , we not use anymore HDD for the offshore VPS , all our plans of VPS now are in RAID10 of SAS datacenter disks for highly performance , CPU's has being upgraded too on 2x E5-2680 and as well as our ports. Please note that our shared hosting server disks are SSD and on 4 x 1Gbps port's.

Some of you you may notice that you have more RAM or CPU cores or Disk space or even bandwidth speed , this is added free of charge for all of you and price's will be remain same.

We want to thanks every single of you which you continue supporting us and trusting us , we will keep doing the best work for you and provide you the best quality like we do all those years.

Thank you for the support showing us all those years , we are also happy to see that clients are massively coming back to our hosting provider where they think they will find something more cheaper in the quality we provided to other providers and the privacy but they did not , thank you once again all and we will try to do the best work as always for you all.

We do have dedicated servers DMCA ignored in Russia or Netherlands or France , Bulletproofs VPS's or offshore VPS's in Russia and shared hosting which is you won't find elsewhere , all are offshore and with highly privacy and with upgraded latest hardware.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :

On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,

