Dear clients and customers ,

We receive everyday a very large amount of (more than hundrend) emails per day for your questions and we try hard so you receive the best and faster answer.

We want to inform you that we are all on our offshore hosting provider work hard so we protect your privacy and you receive quality services , all services are upgraded to the latest technology and all services are fully managed with DDos protection , we are the no.1 offshore hosting provider which do what it says , we never suspend you or left you without help and take your money or use marketing tricks to attract you.

We want to inform you all that now we have new VPS locations and VPS services.

New locations are :

  • Russia
  • Sweeden
  • Singapore

and many other locations.

We want to inform you that we now have launched :

  • New Bulletproof VPS service for people they know what this is for , it is a real service and on unbeatable price in market you won't find elsewhere.

You can check all our VPS plans here Shopping Cart - | Web Hosting | FRANCE , RUSSIA , ROMANIA , NETHERLANDS | you can request also custom VPS plans.

All our VPS comes with upgraded hardware and technology you wont find elsewhere , real DDos protection and no downtime.

If you need any question to be answered please do contact us via the below methods :

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :

On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,


Payment methods we accept : Paypal , Bitcoin , Webmoney
