Dear clients and customers ,
We wish you Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and may all the world have health , peace and love between each other. We wish the same to people who non celebrate to and all together we stay strong and continue !
Another year comes to the end , we all together passed multiple things together in our offshore hosting UndergroundPrivate , we became this year 2015 a target of multiple people which not loved the freedom of speech we provide to you all and the privacy , let us all remember in the first months of 2015 that our shared servers got blocked / by some "companies" and individuals people which wanted to shut down all the shared servers we do have , we not made them the favor , immediately those days after the servers become online back and we are here now 9 months after that the shared servers has 99,8% uptime almost on all locations and we ignored them totally , this made them mad but we will continue to provide more and more quality services and services with freedom to our people. Every time you making the move to block or attack one of our servers you will receive your reply who ever you are !
We are a offshore company which does do what it writes , there is a big number of requests everyday and we try to do our best to make you all happy ! We never ever left no one behind and never ever left anyone of our people without help on the bad situations they have being experiencing , we gave you the ability to use after the shared servers the quality VPS with total privacy without someone sneaking on your files like other hosting providers does so ! We have expanded to our quality dedicated servers too which they are only for our clients and soon will become available on the public too.
We have noted that there is people that has got removed from our hosting provider and then again come to us , they are welcome but without making problems again. If there is anyone who has not satisfied from our service (it happens) please contact us via below methods and we will do our best to serve you and do our best to provide you the most quality services and support you ever had.
Thousands of people from multiple locations around the world even the most rare , islands and much more show their trust on our offshore hosting provider. We want to thank you all and we will keep doing the best to provide you quality and real freedom of speech , not like some providers who only advertisements or try to copy us and this is only a common trick.
If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways : On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.
Thank you ,