Dear clients & customers ,

Another summer ends , you are all back from vacations and we are here  more than happy to assist you all as always , hope you had a great time  all in your vacation time and got rest ,  we want to let you know all  that new services added in our offshore hosting , the most real offshore  hosting with top privacy for you all , no logging of datas or personal  informations.

We want to announce you that our SSD offshore shared hosting is the most stable network with 100% , no logging  / sell / or rent of datas , it has unlimited bandwidth for your needs , you will get a great support from us , you asked it and you all got the best possible shared server! Hope you enjoy it all and we did it for you all with love and very much attention to small things so it gets better. DMCA is ignored on all our shared servers and on this SSD !

There was a stock problem with the server due multiple sales of packages , finally we give you the ability to you all to choose again your favorites packages that you could not get , please note all that all packages are being sold in very fast time and we have number of packages to avoid overselling and overloading of our servers.

We are glad and much happy we have clients in the most rare locations of  the world from different islands of the word where the Internet is not  too much stable the soul of and the name exists  and our glory clients lives , we want to thank you all and everyone is  welcome here. All our clients coming from Asia, Europe , North / South  America , Africa and much more locations where if we start writing it  will take hours to finish. Thank you all and we will keep doing the  great work for you.

We want to say a big public thanks to our legal team and the wjunction staff for their great work they are doing.

Note: You tried us to take us down multiple times (you know  who we talk to)  but you failed from the beginning , we are always  online with great  network of 100% !

If you are interested into our VPS Plans please take a look into this thread , we have updated many services and bring new.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :

On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,

