Dear customers & clients ,

Last days there was a non normal attack on the hosting provider and it's clients , there was a trap created by individual person(s) to make things look very bad for us , we successfully avoided all this situation and we are here , here with you all to provide you no.1 offshore hosting services on the market with the best privacy. We have noted after our supporters / clients notification and our team that there was minor hosting providers that was behind this attack and people that are working for other purposes , this dirty attack that has happened has been avoid successfully. Please note that when you trying to copy us or doing this minor issues your are not going to earn anything , you will only loose your time and get to the bottom where you was at the begging and nothing more. We ask them kindly to stay away from us and our clients.

We have noted in the past days that some people has uploaded on our servers files with a specific purpose too , please note that the terms of service is being followed strictly by us. People that are going to upload sick things / files / photos that are against the terms of service are not welcome with us and never will be part of or people which are coming to make trouble and not follow the staff notices and then open multiple fake posts, there are many other providers on the market and you can try choosing them. We have note that here are multiple fake posts and one by one is going to be investigated completely again.

Our offshore hosting company not logs , stores ,  sell or rent your personal information's or data of our clients , we are doing our best to highly respect your privacy and provide you the best quality services on the market. No one lefts behind non helped, all together we go ahead. We are trying to help all our clients like it is written everywhere and never left anyone , we not suspend your or terminate you like it is happening on most providers , we are trying to help you in everything almost , we want to thanks here people that are non our clients and asking us for help for some issues they are getting.

We want to thanks again the staff of for their work , our clients and supporters and of course our legal department service.

Hello Mark , yes we do ignore the DMCA our hosting servers are located in Russia , please feel free to contact us via below methods for more information's :

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :

On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,

Thank you ,

