Thinking to start a Legit site. What kind of site should i make?

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I want to start a new project to and if you are interested PM me.

I'm planning to start a website where people can submit their websites and ask for reviews.
Pick an area that will always be popular, or something futuristic.

If you pick something that will be popular all the time, then chances are there are sites that are already up that you have to compete against. Not saying it is impossible but a bit harder. The real benefit is when you start to out perform others in your niche. Without giving to much away Entertainment & Sports works well for me.

Now this is something new I am going to attempt. I am targeting something in the really far future. Although it might not happen I am hoping it will in which case I could build enough backlinks, articles and discussion to totally own the niche. Again I don't want to do all the thinking for you however I will give you an example. Lets assume (eljs favorite :P ) that no site existed (although it does) and they find aliens on Mars in a year from now. In the whole year you could build up all kinds of stuff on your site. By the time the event happened you will get tons of traffic.

Hope that gives you some ideas
I want to start a new project to and if you are interested PM me.

I'm planning to start a website where people can submit their websites and ask for reviews.

Looked Most Interesting so far.. PM'ed

@tmk, reviewing Movies will take a lot of time. U know what i mean.First of all Downloading 700 MB then Watching 2 hour Movie will take lot of time and not possible for a teenager.

What does "Niche" Mean?
niche means in your context-

a A situation or activity specially suited to a person's interests, abilities, or nature: found her niche in life.

b. A special area of demand for a product or service:
Your site has already failed.

Here's my theory. If you need to ask for what type of site to build it will never last as you never have the same interest in a site if your told what to make as if you though of the idea yourself. If it's your own idea you have way more of an interest and put way more time and effort into it. You generally have more knowledge in the choses topic or subject too. You just sound like your making a site for the sake of it which means it has already failed.

Take your time. Go away and think about what type of site you'd like to make yourself. You'll be way better off in the long run.
In some ways I agree with Mr Happy but in some other I feel like the only way to make a successful site if you are not passionate about something is to find a niche where there is not much about that, and do something clean, with good information & good SEO...

But finding something you are passionate about sounds like a better option IMHO!
Well, I think you're off to a bad start before you even start in all honesty. If a site or topic doesn't interest you, then you're not going to put enough effort into it to make it a profitable or popular venture.

Do something that interests you.
indeed i have same kind problem , i builded a autoblogger on joomla based webpage , and i published download links there too , but later , decided to make a website which only include legal stuffs and online money making , i cant get any traffic there now i asked people about their opnion here

but as you can read on comments , it is not easy to manage legal site , it need like 10 times more work when compare with a illegal warez type web pages . I tried everything and my rank on alexa 3,502,884 :O . i hope i can get more tricks and boost rank on google
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