Other The Ultimate Guide to Set up Your 2024 SEO Strategy 💡

Happy New Year, everyone! May 2024 bring nothing but the best to you. 💸

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To help you ace your monetization goals for this year, we’ve put together a guide on how to build the best possible SEO strategy. 🌟

Why do we need SEO Strategies?

An SEO strategy encompasses a myriad of tactics, from optimizing website structure and content to building quality backlinks and staying on top of the latest search engine algorithms. Now, the thing about SEO is that it’s not a one-and-done deal; it’s a journey, not a destination. Search engines, like Google, are constantly tweaking their algorithms, and user behaviors are ever-changing. What worked wonders last year might not cut it this year. That’s why it’s crucial to dust off the cobwebs and reassess your strategy annually.

Ever Heard of Google Discover?

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Unlike the classic search, Google Discover serves up personalized content suggestions on the user’s mobile home screen or within the Google app. Picture it as Google saying, “Hey, I know you better than you know yourself, and here’s some stuff you might find interesting.”

Here’s what to keep in mind if you wish to show up on Google Discover:

💡Craft top-notch, engaging material. Think eye-catching visuals, compelling headlines, and content that’s both informative and entertaining

💡 Meld keywords seamlessly within your content. Google Discover loves natural, authentic wording, so sprinkle in keywords like a face-to-face conversation

💡Keep your content fresh and up-to-date. Think of trending topics and seasonal relevance

💡 Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads fast - Google Discover is all about making users happy

Changes to Google E-E-A-T

What’s that you’re asking? Google’s Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Let’s break down each component of E-E-A-T:

Experience (E)
This pertains to the level of knowledge and skill demonstrated by the content creator or website. Google wants to see content produced by individuals or organizations with genuine experience in their respective fields.

Expertise (E)
While outwardly seemingly quite similar to the ‘Experience’ part of the equation, ‘Expertise’ is gauged by the level of qualification the creator has in a particular subject area. For example, do they have accreditations or a significant body of work in the sector?

Authoritativeness (A)
Authoritativeness focuses on the perceived authority or influence of the content creator or website. It considers factors like reputation, industry recognition, and the overall standing in the online community. High-quality backlinks from reputable sources can contribute to establishing authority.

Trustworthiness (T)
Trustworthiness assesses the reliability and credibility of the information provided. It’s about ensuring that the content is accurate, transparent, and sourced from reliable, verifiable origins. Elements like a clear privacy policy, secure website protocols, and accurate contact information contribute to building trust.

Google Trends

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Trends provide a visual representation of search volume, enabling you to identify patterns, spikes, or declines in interest for specific topics. For SEO purposes, this is particularly valuable in identifying trending topics and keywords, allowing you to optimize content around what users are actively searching for.

SEO for Video Content

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First up, let’s talk titles and descriptions. Your video’s title is like the headline of a blockbuster movie – make it captivating, keyword-rich, and something viewers can’t resist clicking on. Descriptions? Think of them as the supporting actors – they provide context and engage the audience.

Now, let’s talk thumbnails – the movie posters of the digital era. Make your thumbnails pop, be visually compelling, and give viewers a sneak peek into the excitement your video promises.

Transcripts – they’re not the behind-the-scenes script; they’re your SEO sidekick. Search engines love transcripts because they decode your video’s content.

And now, the big one – watch time. It’s not just a vanity metric; it’s your golden ticket. Longer videos aren’t just for kicks; they keep viewers glued, signaling to search engines that your content is binge-worthy!

SEO Clusters

SEO clusters boost your website’s visibility and authority. Create a powerful pillar, surround it with supporting satellites, weave them together with strategic links, and keep the content running seamlessly as one interconnected unit!

Diversify Your Content Spread

Different platforms attract different audiences. By diversifying where your content lives, you increase the chances of reaching new and varied sets of eyes. Here are just some of the pros of diversifying your content:

+ Search engines love it
+ Gives brand more visibility
+ More diversified audience

Platforms where to diversify your content:
  • Your Own Website
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Video Platforms
  • Podcasting Platforms
  • Guest Posts
  • Forums
  • Newsletters

Backlinking & External Linking

Think of this as a strategic exchange of favors in the online ecosystem, where the currency is not money but credibility and authority.
  • External Linking (Outbound Links): This is the art of linking your content to other reputable websites.
  • Backlinking (Inbound Links): Now, flip the script. Backlinking is when other websites link to your content.

Utilize Linking in 2024
  • When crafting content, strategically link to high-authority external sources that add value
  • Ensure that your outbound links are contextually relevant to your content
  • Mix up the anchor text in your outbound links. Don’t always use the exact match for your targeted keywords
  • Focus on quality backlinks rather than sheer quantity. One authoritative backlink can be more impactful than numerous low-quality ones
  • Foster relationships within your industry or community
  • Keep a keen eye on your backlink profile using tools

Parasite SEO

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Parasite SEO can be a shortcut to quicker wins in the search game. Instead of waiting for your brand-new website to gain authority, you tap into existing credibility to get your content noticed sooner.

To make the most out of this, choose your host wisely and craft optimized content while linking strategically and leveraging multimedia (videos, photos, or infographics).

SEO Tools to Use in 2024

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  • Ahrefs - an all-in-one package for keyword research, site audits, and more
  • Surfer SEO - It sneaks a peek at top-ranking pages for your keywords and spills the beans on how to craft content that Google loves
  • SEMrush - spy on your competitors, track your keyword ranking, and much more
  • Moz
  • Google Search Console - the hotline to the SEO Gods themselves

And there you have it, good luck!

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