Some thoughts on maybe?

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I have with the help from some members here at WJ been working on a new DDL site as some have noticed in some threads which is aimed to Adult/Porn downloads only.

What i would like some feedback are the design which is ported to WCDDL by Sponge Bob from WJ a while ago if i am not mistaken and then changed by both me and deAthbLisS here at WJ to better suit my needs.

Also the features which at the moment are not that many but the idea is to be a simple and straight forward site with out to many millions of flashy functions, but i am quite sure more things will come with time.

Some mods are made by deAthbLisS and some come from t3od0r which also hangs around here at WJ so thank you guys, probably we will have more things to talk about in the future. ;)

So basically i want a bit of input and feedback of the whole site, the concept and well everything you can think of and maybe how i can make it better.

Site can be found here: !

Please check out as much of the site as possible and test submit and things like that. No need for a link back etc at the moment so go ahead and try it out!

Could you please take a screenshot of the error? The site has been developed using FireFox as main browser when testing.

So im not sure what it is you are referring to at the moment!

Okay maybe some temporary server issue etc.

Thanks for the input and yeah gfx etc wil be made in the coming days i hope.

- get a more suitable skin.
- where are the credits to spongebob? - the original creator of the skin.
- you have a lot of SEO work to do.
- got a favicon? logo?
- where is the incentive for people to submit?

and please change your star images, they were made to be used only on
SJshah: A more suitable skin you say, exactly what do you mean with that a skin more suitable for what?

About the credits for Sponge Bob he stated in his thread he wrote "Here is the script with the template feel free to use, if possible please leave the copyright info there" so i feel that after the editing and fixing of errors in his template, applying mods and other things and more things to come was okay to remove the copyright.

Seo work well yes there is always SEO work to be done i guess but this is my first try ever on a DDL and with some help from a bunch of people from WJ this is the first result.

Favicon and logo you say, well i am not sure about a logo yet but may come in the future i like it simple and clean with out lots of flashy images that takes space (not much space but it takes more than text i guess) and a favicon may be in the working in the coming days along with some other changes.

About the star images i can´t say to much never seen before and i have not coded the part of the thing or anything that puts the stars there. But now when you have enlightned me with this i will surely change it to something else, atleast different colours and star types. ;)

Thanks for the imput man!

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