Sitename in uploads or not?

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I do at the moment include my sitename in the uploads i make for my own site but since a couple of days i have been thinking about to remove it from my filenames.

Why you may ask? Well my idea is that my files/links will get "stolen" by others and they put them on their sites etc and say that they uploaded it etc thus giving my files more downloads.

But having the sitename in the file names also tells my visitors that this is a high quality file that we have uploaded etc.
What do you other guys think? I am not sure on how many really "steal" other sites uploads to get their own content but i could guess that it do exist. But if you have your sitename in all your downloads they would get "stolen" less since then it would be to easy to identify where the files came from and making it harder for someone else to take credit for my files.

But maybe its better to build a trademark with files that carries my sitename equals high quality, checked and working downloads?

I add my site name, url and .txt inside the rar so when people use RS2RS I still have my site's info inside the rar to prove that it is a high quality release which I have checked myself :)

I'm surprised more people don't leech my TV Releases
Yeah have been thinking about doing like that to actually. Anyone more care to tell what they do about sitename etc in filename or like Uterus Spacecraft put it inside the files instead?

I add sitename in URL, added NFO, ReadME, URL file in archive, no passwords.

I don't know, I still think its more appropriate to put sitename in URL, cause the main point is to advertise the site, if anyone leeches you'd get to advertise your own site.

Plus katz encourage users to add sitename in URL. :)
I put my sitename in filename and password protect it with site url also add the url file in the rar archive a readme is pointless to me cause lets be honest how many times have u read the readme or something unless u needed info that was inside of it such as a serial or something
Everyone can post with url in filename, most filehosts let you edit the file.

If you want your files to be more unique and more dedicated to your own site you should maybe password protect your files

You should consider adding your stuff in the rar archieve TO.

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