Dedicated Selling Accounts on a Private Dedicated Server..! [Cheap]

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Selling Accounts on a Private Dedicated Server..! [Cheap + cPanel]

Good day there,

In partnership with an associate of mine, I'm selling accounts on a Private dedicated server located in Luxembourg, each account is CUSTOM TAILORED to suit your sites needs, Need more space? We'll bump it up for you, need certain dependencies? We'll install them for you, no hidden costs..

Here's how it works:

Add the System Operator at "" on MSN (alternately email, tell us what you want and what type of site you'll be running (don't be shy now, we host several porn sites and such) and we'll quote you a custom price on the spot relative to the system resources you need.

Server Stats:

Located Offshore in the country of Luxembourg, so no need to fear being shut down.
CPU: AMD Dualcore 2.5ghz
Two 320gb HDD's with the second one being used for nightly backups.
100mbit unmetered network
Own IP can be used if wanted

Also note our datacenters infrastructure is top notch and has true 100mbit speeds and fantastic uptime

Hope to hear from you soon.
Well I can't really say as they're custom tailored for each person, you basically add the server operator on MSN (I'm a sales guy ;) ) and then he'll quote you a price based on your needs.
this is faul service. I used it for 2 month. It has many limitations RS speed is good but MU and HF speed is very bad. In 2nd month the server vanished in 10/12 days. The online agent gone forever. No news afterward....

So, I'm strongly discouraging from it.
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