Santrex VPS? Think twice and DONT!!

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Active Member
Hi fellas,

as u know i'm in scene nearly more than one year and i want to write you about my hosting company,Santrex.
I use one france,one netherlands shared hosting, and one vps germany package..

Today morning time, they closed my OFFSHORE! vps hosting because of linking WAREZ!

They didn't gave a notice or no warning to take my files,backups etc..And they just closed..

And some of stupids who working there even doesnt know what is the meaning of OFFSHORE! and sending stupid ticket reply with a stupid nelson mandela's quote..They are really stupid!!
i have more than 3 months to complete my vps term and also they doesnt want to pay back..

So i will announce you to, if you don't want to loose your backups as me, go another respected website and dont give a shit to this scammers..

What will i do?
Probably i will take all backups from my other websites which is hosted in santrex and i will open dispute in paypal for all payments which i did in santrex.
Ya they are not good they oversell and vps are SLOW ,i had one i bought for 5$ they wanted to nickel and dime me to even get some server help.. Screw em
Look their ticket answer

Mike Myers
Client 13/01/2010 15:46 Hi,

As you know i used your service as a OFFSHORE hosting. My vps account terminated due to warez linking and John Kasai, mentioned in last support ticket you don't accept WAREZ linking.

I use your services nearly MORE than a year !!! in my LAHAR server also have warez, in my other hosting also have warez!!!

So i want to pay back for my vps remaining 3 months and i want pay back for my nl hosting..

Because if you don't accept warez and offshore hosting i don't need hosting in your servers and i will move all my accounts and websites with backups to others.

Thanks and waiting immediate action from your side.. Because i will lose money and time with it


Robert Holbrook
Staff 13/01/2010 16:38


We don't provide any refunds at Santrex.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -Nelson Mandela

Robert Holbrook
Level 1 customer support
Santrex Internet Services LTD

i don't get connection between Nelson Mandela and my Warez Offshore Hosting :)
It wont Be of Any Use if your VPS & Shared hosting are beyond 45days . You wont be able to make dispute .

Try to solve the issue with Santrex itself . Try to get back your Database backup , move to host which are more then 1 year in this business .
Bad to hear that for you, try another hosting service then - theres a lot of good providers coms here at WJunction.
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