Santrex Review, aka SCAM

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This is probably somwhere around september 27th, day after i get the hosting

Well currently I am on a shared account with them and so far it has not been the greatest.

Im experiencing quite a lot of downtime, and when server is up, quite slow response of the site due to them overloading servers and getting dossed a lot of the time.

Services I guess are not that expensive but there are things disabled. On the cpanel, every stat is disabled, like AwStats. I went through about a 3 day ticket process to have that enabled. After the long hassle and fight its finally up, but with the site always down its hard to even acess it.

Extra services such as dedicated Ip's are 5 dollars which is overpriced since everywhere else is about 2-3..

With ticket support, there are positives and negatives. The only positive thing is that they ussually respond quick, but sometimes you submit a ticket with a server down issue and they dont respond until you submit a second one, and the answer to the second ticket is not about the issue but why you shouldnt submit copies of tickets. Well im sorry but if you are responding to a secnd ticket respond to my server down issue..

If I do submit a ticket though about server being down, 100% of the time the answer is "Its loading perfectly fine for me over here" After hours of convincing and showing them its actually down for you and 200 of your users they finally accept it and say "oh ya it was a firewall problem.." I mean common atleast be proffesional about it and not say its up for me everytime i submit a ticket.

The second day of hosting I wanted a refund, BUT, they have a no return policy. Which I can see why because everyone would want a refund soon enough..

I hope this helped you, and if it did, take a second and press thanks :P


Well with the site being down basically every day, I submit a support ticket, and every single of their replies is, its up. I basically tell them to stop screwing around and put the servers back on, because noone can acess them except you guys (santrex support).. Only to be responded a couple hours later with the response


It's down because you were terminated for causing disruption to our network by your site.

Have a good day!

Thank you.

K Cook
Executive board
Santrex Internet Services

After 6 days of hosting, which only about 2 days of the server being up, they terminate me account because I am using too much resource.

No refund, no nothing. Took my money, and terminated my account. If you try to charge back you get their "administrative fee of 250"..

But dont worry, santrex wont last long ;)
Delete Support Ticket 29/09/2009 22:51
every fucking day i come home i gotta write a ticket because the fucking sites are down

and every single fucking time i get "oh its been up the whole day" bull fucking shit none of my friends cant get on it, i cant get on it, and you say its fucking up?

the sites even fucking down right now, thats the fucking reason why i switched to have better uptime and u guys are just as fucking bad as them


Delete Support Ticket 30/09/2009 01:00
you guys realize im fucking loosing users cas of u

and its STILL DOWN

Delete Support Ticket 01/10/2009 03:56
Been down the past 2 fucking days...

You guys are fucking amatuers and cant handly ip blocking a doss attack.

Id rather have a monkey with his arms tied running this than you 12 year olds on their parents laptops..

Take your hand out of your ass and put my site back yp assholes


Delete Support Ticket 03/10/2009 20:40
Now this is FUCKING RIDICULOUS are you guys fucking shitting me the server is fucking down? I cant even fucking begin to explain how horrible you are... Put a little fucking uptime button on your NL server see how well that fuckin does. Give me my fucking money back and just wish i dont go fucking more for the time and customers ive lost. Not even gonna fucking go back into detail just give me my money


Delete Support Ticket 03/10/2009 20:43
and just so you dont give me some of that its up bullshit again, look at the fucking ss


does that fucking look up to you?
K Cook

Delete Support Ticket 03/10/2009 21:12

It's down because you were terminated for causing major disruption to our network by your proxy site.

Have a good day!

Thank you.

K Cook
Executive board
Santrex Internet Services


So finally after a few days of complaints from that user, as well as the most beautiful swearing words you can ever receive from a customer on our support system we have found out that the main #1 cause of ddos attacks, and disruption was caused by his proxy site. So now that he is TERMINATED the stability of the server resumed it's normal operations.

Not to mention how many tickets I've skipped and closed due to his worst insults and swearing you can ever get.

We're glad the server is back to it's normality.

Thank you.
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