[Rip-Off] HostMyWarez

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Not saying that they do resell urgent vps's, but if they do why is that bad? Most hosting companies who offer dedicated servers are just reselling their data center's servers, so what's the difference?

Also, how do you know that hostmywarez isn't renting dedi's from urgentvps ?
He didn't say they were bad, but they are a rip off, even if it only is a few dollars a month.

But I also do agree with Sandino, reselling is how most hosting business's start off. As long as they offer better support then the original owner, then they are good in my mind.
yeah but the vps's are? so would it be ok if i find a host that sell vps's for 10 dollars each and i sell them for 30 dollars?

If you would like to be a reseller then yes. that's how people make money?

Now if hostmywarez is lying about hosting their own vps's, then that is another story.

But if they never stated that they do or don't, then there's no reason saying "rip off".

If you purchased a server from hostmywarez and feel ripped off, then it's your fault for not finding a cheaper host.
Actually MR P. you should be paying 25 p/month, still it's rip off, cancel with HMW and go with uV.

For 18 (+1 Dollar) @ uV you can get faster VPS.
Hmm its business really,its how it works buy from one place for cheaper and sell the same thing at a profit and make money.I cant see any wrong doing exept for the face people now know where to get the vps.
Actually MR P. you should be paying 25 p/month, still it's rip off, cancel with HMW and go with uV.

For 18 (+1 Dollar) @ uV you can get faster VPS.

how would it be faster with urgentvps?

if you think about it, hostmywarez has nothing to do with the vps's with urgentvps, so even if they are reselling, if anything goes wrong with the VPS most likely it's urgentvps's fault not hostmywarez.
they are just the middle man collecting the money. (if they are even reselling)
Alright, he have Cyber I VPS @ HMW and it's orginal price is 25 USD, he got a deal and instead $25 he is paying $18. Is it rip off? Hell no, but when you see HMW is using uV VPS he can get same VPS for $10 at uV, so now that sounds interesting.

If it's same VPS from uV and he bought it from HWM which is renting or reselling why go with $18 option (even if it's deal he got from HMW) when you can get same VPS for $10.

But if $18 isn't big deal for him, well at original HMW's VPS provider, urgentVPS, for $19 he can get faster VPS.
lol some people are just ignorant. Do you think walmart makes all the products they sell? Or do you think they are resellers?

Lol, ditto.

To be honest, i'm not sure what the point of this thread is.
Now I can see the point of it, if hostmywarez is saying that they have their own hardware for their vps's. (but I don't think they are).
So they really haven't lied to anyone.

Like it's just one of those things of, "thanks but no thanks".

Alright, he have Cyber I VPS @ HMW and it's orginal price is 25 USD, he got a deal and instead $25 he is paying $18. Is it rip off? Hell no, but when you see HMW is using uV VPS he can get same VPS for $10 at uV, so now that sounds interesting.

If it's same VPS from uV and he bought it from HWM which is renting or reselling why go with $18 option (even if it's deal he got from HMW) when you can get same VPS for $10.

But if $18 isn't big deal for him, well at original HMW's VPS provider, urgentVPS, for $19 he can get faster VPS.

Yes, well obviously you would always go with the cheaper one.

But alot of people here on WJ are resellers, you just don't know.

So I guess, just do a little bit more research before ordering from a host?
Alright, he have Cyber I VPS @ HMW and it's orginal price is 25 USD, he got a deal and instead $25 he is paying $18. Is it rip off? Hell no, but when you see HMW is using uV VPS he can get same VPS for $10 at uV, so now that sounds interesting.

If it's same VPS from uV and he bought it from HWM which is renting or reselling why go with $18 option (even if it's deal he got from HMW) when you can get same VPS for $10.

But if $18 isn't big deal for him, well at original HMW's VPS provider, urgentVPS, for $19 he can get faster VPS.

dude that's what i asked is my vps im on right now the 10$ vps
that's what im asking?

because if it is id rather have a Faster better Vps for the 18$ im paying
i like hostmywarz hes a nice guy and very helpfull

im just wondering what vps i had that's all
lol some people are just ignorant. Do you think walmart makes all the products they sell? Or do you think they are resellers?

But walmart doesn't sell products for a higher price than it competitors, now, does it?

Added after 4 minutes:

If you would like to be a reseller then yes. that's how people make money?

Now if hostmywarez is lying about hosting their own vps's, then that is another story.

But if they never stated that they do or don't, then there's no reason saying "rip off".

If you purchased a server from hostmywarez and feel ripped off, then it's your fault for not finding a cheaper host.

Reselling VPS's are differnt from re-sold servers :)

1, If the vps is resold than they dont even have acess to the node its self is somthing goes wrong ?
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