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Hi all, I have created a new website, , I would like to hear your suggestions and opinions ;)

This site I have modified from a script and I had to rewrite more then 70% of the source code, only some of the graphics are copied but I hope to get the site very popular :D
@Agnostic yes it's a different favicon, but that's not the point.

I did not ripped , the script that I had was like version 1.0 and it was very bad coded, the boxes on the right of the page where down on the footer, the text was mixed up and some of the pages where missing.
So I had to rewrite most of the code, that was hard work so I would be happy if you don't call me a ripper because I am not, you can appreciate my hard work :)

I was necesary to even modify the mysql database in order to make the site to work. So it was NOT ripped.
@Whoo the logo of the site is the only thing that was ripped.

You can check out the link join section and check my link join section, they are total different. I had the version 1.0 of this type of DDL site, so I had to rewrite most of the code and the pages and the database.

From now on I won't even argue here, because no matter what I say you still don't believe the truth, the wjunction users that know me good they know that I did'nt ripped the site. You can believe what you want.

See you around, peace and love :)

PS: This is a review section and this type of answers are not reviews
You are official on my shitlist ;)

Welcome to wjunction lamer!

You are a MOD and you should be more diplomatic.
I don't understand why you'd waste your time doing that =/

With in existence, isn't going anywhere.
@UltimA has a good opinion there, but I will try to make popular even if exists.
One of the things that could get the more popular is that we have no ads and I will try to do something like a promotion campaign for

We are trying now to make link exchanges, that would bring us more traffic.
@Ultima I want to offer you and to other 9 wjunction members free banner advertising on for 1 month in exchange for a link exchange.
Please check here ;)

If anybody have more suggestions or opinions please feel free to share them here :) already has a lot of traffic, their Alexa rank is currently 54,418

Also, when the .com already exists and is big, starting a site with the .net is going to be very hard, people will often mistaken your site for

Unless you do a good job, it's going to be hard.

And from what I see, you've not done a good job so far, your site looks exactly the same as, except you proably couldn't copy some of the features.
What I'd suggest doing is just simply buying another domain (try and get a .com too). It's then your brand, and you can do what you want effectively. No point in having two WarezWorm's (or two of any site for that matter).

You don't have to do a huge design change, just minor things.

It'll make your site much more successful in the long run. :)

Honestly if this dude wasn't on here, you all wouldn't be saying all your shiz. We know its a rip of .com, who cares? Is it your site? Will your respect go down? Why do you care so much if someone rips a skin? I know ppl put there hard work into it but nothing can be done, so get over it. Theres thousands of other sites out there which have similar or the same skin to other sites, why don't you go say sh*t to them? Just because some members on this board can rip and use the skin doesn't mean you all just go after him/her. Live your life. It's those rippers who suffer, not you so end it and just review the site.
@UltimA my first name was to choose ddlempire as a domain name (probably somebody will buy it after seeing the name here) , but I didn't have a design for that domain ( I am new in graphics).
Your suggestion is good in buying another domain, but I hope to make a succesful website.
I will change the logo and make a new design :)

@Hawk thanks for your opinion, I tould a few posts ago that only the design is the same as .com ,but you believe what you want. I will not argue on ripping anymore ;)
Thanks for reminding everybody that this section is for reviews :)

@CyberJ37 you say that I haven't done a good job so far. In a way you are right, because has only a few days old. But I am pretty good in what I do :)

What makes unique is that it has no advertising, we are not for the money, we just do it because we like it ;)

If anybody have more suggestions or opinions please feel free to share them here :)
I would go by what UltimA said.By your words; you seem to be a dedicated webmaster.So plz just get a new domain, build that brand name. (You may use your warezjungle domain instead; that would sound better)
No need to change any other things.Ripping is common; even if you ripped, doesn't matter much, though making a unique design would help you stand out.:)
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