Review: Team-TDK.Net

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Active Member
I have redesigned and moved from blogger to WordPress last January

I need help and review in regards of what more the website needs to get more visitors and can pay for it self as up till now the website income only covers about 80% of the costs.

Also Help Improve the load of the website but as far as my knowledge no one is complaining about the website.

Also the website is about 480p tv-shows and movies but recently mini-720p so is their more to add so i can improve the website

Recent Statics Just In Case U Need It B-)


By jimmy_it at 2012-05-29
Your post looks more of an advertisement than a request for review.
Firstly, i don't really understand the name.
Footer is just blank and is really not required if you aren't going to write in anything.
The favicon, make the edges transparent.
The TV schedule, import it to your website.
The request page and others, please write in PROPER English. Do Not Write Like This. It is annoying as hell!
Make the Services tab unclickable.
Your link checker box's background gives an impression that you only put 1 link in it. Make it to a single color, it will give a visual impression of ability to put more than 1 link.

That is it for now.
Best of luck :)
Thx guyz for the help, really appreciate it and apologies i do not mean advertising.

so i have few questions:

# what can i do to decrease the heavy load.
# what can i do to the footer it used to be adv. space for cpm but not anymore so what can i fill it up with
# what do u mean by importing the schedule
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