Review needed (kholuforum V2)

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The user icons (medals) put to much spacing inbetween things, I would suggest removing them. I'm not really a fan of the header either. The whole thing just seems too plain for my liking.

I give it a 6.0/10
yup the header sucks, at first I thought it's phpbb, the theme is good. But work on the header thought. I would rate it 7/10.
the skin is nice.. header needs a big improvement.. text is too big and you need a logo to fit the skin.
favicon needs updating.

overall: 7/10
Made some improvement though not in logo as I am not good at GFX but some changes in theme color.
So how does it feel now
remove these stupid things:

make your favicon orange.
could you make the skin fixed instead of liquid? would look better fixed.
get a nicer tile for your bg.
and i don't see a katz button.
You know what, I actually really don't have anything to say about your site. I like it the way it is. I would just work on the header banner, but other than that great job.

Even with the individual forum icons your site looks nice, one of very few which I have seen that actually look good doing it the way that you are.

Good luck.
Thanks Origin <3
I really wanted your review on my forum. Now i am happy. 8-)
i am not good at GFX, but I will do something on my header part :'( :'(
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