Review my site...

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The default theme is custom made by one of the admins, i know a lot of people wont like it cuz its not fancy and simple and what not.

Anyways just trying to see what others think of the site, be honest post both pros and cons so we can try to improve B-)


The logo is quite simple and it doesn't use much space, there’s a lot of unused space at the top, try enlarging the logo, I’d make a new one if was you though. The favicon is irrelevant, Looks dull, re-make it to make it match the skin you're using at the moment. You could put your site initials on it (TSO)...

Unwanted images: - Remove. - Remove. - Remove. - Remove. - Remove. - Remove. (I'd redo this image, make it look professional) - I'd put this image on the footer.

The background image ( looks like nonsense (sorry). The buttons which are on the footer would look better centered.
You need custom read/unread icons too..That’s all i can say for now, you need to improve it. My ratings for your site would be 6/10.

I'd hire a pro to do the images etc, eliteelio/Drubei are the best I know.

P.S The mouse cursor which you have for your site needs to be removed, ''totally unprofessional dude!'' lol XD
I cant stand that mouse cursor it actually looks like a penis, other than that every other part of the site is alright.
Well it is a custom site which is always a nice touch, however the site is very busy. Too much going on at one time. The cursor,the street fighter gifs, the flashing skulls next to the user names. All very distracting.

and simple and what not.

It is anything BUT simple. Doesn't look bad but I would tone things down a bit.
I cant stand that mouse cursor it actually looks like a penis, other than that every other part of the site is alright.

it is a penis, its from nesticle (nes emulator)

Well it is a custom site which is always a nice touch, however the site is very busy. Too much going on at one time. The cursor,the street fighter gifs, the flashing skulls next to the user names. All very distracting.

yeah i think so as well he jut added most of that shit yesterday lol

It is anything BUT simple. Doesn't look bad but I would tone things down a bit.

lol i said it isn't simple

i know a lot of people wont like it cuz its not fancy and simple and what not.
lol im sorry... how did you get star wars mixed in with the domain theseekersoasis?
the skin looks like its from the 1980's first HTML pages :P
sorry i hate it.
2/10 2 for effort
I spend time writing my review, yet you don't reply to me. - _ -

Thats because you actually critiqued it and gave a legitimate review, therefore i consider your thoughts and am talking to the admin who made the skin and making plans on changing it.

So thank you for actually reviewing the site lol :)
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