Real US Website Visitors, 500 UV, only $5

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Active Member
Hi, WJ members.
We are from Kampay SEO now offer website traffic service for all of you with very low price. And 95% of them are coming form US.

And how much the price? Is it will be $50 or $100? No..!! You do not need to pay with that price. Why? because Kampay SEO can provide you 500 US visitors with only $5.

And where the visitors come from? They are coming from so we can guarantee that all of the visitors that we provide are REAL HUMAN VISITORS.

So, Still in doubt? Ok, we will throw out 2 FREE REVIEW COPY for 2 reputated members with 4 stars or more. :)

NP : This visitors can not be split in xxx days. :)
* As we know that every visitor counter has their own math to count the visitors. so for better result we will count the visitor via means we will short your URL in to

1. Simply send your payment to our paypal : kampayseo[at]gmail[dot]com.
2. PM us your transaction ID with your website URL

For more info, Simply reply in this thread or send us PM.
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cani get the review?
Because you have already got review copy in our another service so we are very sory that we can not give review for this service. *give chance to another member. :)
can i get review?
Hi sir, off courser you can. simply PM us your website URL. :)
I am interested in it as you send traffic from pinterest.

Well if you can give me a review copy, maybe I would order.
Hi, same as above sir. just send us your website URL.
Can i get one review copy if available?
We are sorry sir because all review has gone. :)
I've stopped reading @ 'Is it will be'...
We are sorry about our bad english. :)
but, good english not mean "GOOD". :)
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