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Fantastic website. It's really, really well designed. It's simple, has a great logo, and is easy to navigate.

This should be cleaned up:


It should be blank instead of saying "img".
Thank you for suggestions, site is still in beta phase, we have few issues geting rss from sites in right way, you can see some duplicates in posts now, but we will try to fix all and upgrade before start full version.Full version design will be almost same, with few thinks changed, but there will be one new think about browsing downloads, for people who dont like long lists.

On first look site can look like classic DDL, but is not, on you dont need to submit your urls every day, we do that through rss feed,site automaticly collect new thing posted on your website. You can design your rss feed as you like, still you must follow rules, you can read rules in webmasters control panel.
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